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House Husbands!

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I don't know why you feel you need to tell us you are not gay, hetero, gay married or single it's no big deal.

The home needs to be kept nice so if one partner has more time to spend doing it then all well and good.

Otherwise share the workload.

Keeping a home clean isn't a gender specific job is it.


mr moran asked me if i was...he edited his post...i was just answering his question.

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I didnt.

A mod did :(

Still, i was only joking.

Any particular reason your being so defensive?





Im sorry, i couldnt help it.

Ill go somewhere else now.:hihi:


not being defensive at all......a few people were asking about it....and dont worry about it i welcome all opinions.

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Just out of curiosity, Just how many house husbands are there on this forum?

Surely i cannot be the only married man who stays at home cussing out the Real House wives of Orange County and at the same time trying to figure out what to cook for the wife when she gets in, finish the ironing, hoover the stairs, feed the cats and dogs, watch match of the day..........well you get the picture.


So, if there are others like me out there.......what's your day like??


Nope, although I wouldn't be scared to do my bit. Ignore the strange comments from the forum cavemen. If they don't understand it, they find it scary.


Good luck in your search :)

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mr moran asked me if i was...he edited his post...i was just answering his question.


Ah I see, soz.

I wouldn't have a problem staying home if my partner could earn enough to support us, I don't mind doing the house work and do a fair bit anyway.

It would be a different matter if we had a young family though, then I'd rather do 12 hour shifts down't pit

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