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9/11 anniversary coverage all over the news - Why?

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Be vigilant, if you see any of your family/friends or neighbours doing something suspicious, report them!


Make a note of what books they are reading, if they haven't got them from a state authorised library, pass this on to your local intelligence officer.


He wont be interested apparently even the intelligent officers recon it was an inside job and a principle intelligence officer have been suspended for voicing the FACT.



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Another tack: OP does not like the coverage- but maybe he/she has an undisclosed agenda that could explain a lot.

Let's deconstruct this bit, in particular:


It happened in America not Britain - we dont hold memorials for all the attacks by the IRA and i bet the americans dont hold memorials for the event of 7/7 in London


It was the reason used for a madman to go to an illegal war against someone not even related to the attacks and drag his lapdog with him (George jr)


So a rabid hatred of the USA might inform that post. I wonder why.

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I'm sorry if remembrence of this terrible event troubles you. It must interest some in the UK, and I'm sure there will be some interest in the tenth anniversary of 7/7 in America. However nobody is forcing you to watch it on TV or read about it in the Mirror. That's one of the freedoms we both share.:)


How has sheffbag's very respectful post upset you? Please let this forum know what percentage of Americans you consider have actually heard of 7/7, never mind showing respect for our dead caused by it.


9/11 is an American tragedy, I'm sure that they will remember the 10 years anniversary with great respect, please don't take other nations not feeling quite the same as an insult.

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He wont be interested apparently even the intelligent officers recon it was an inside job and a principle intelligence officer have been suspended for voicing the FACT.




Why the hell did the idiots not test this man's IQ. :suspect:


Everyone knows intelligent officers should have a below 90 IQ in order to ensure compliance.

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To be fair there were more Britons killed in 9/11 than in any single act by the IRA (I think) so it's not exactly un-noteworthy here.


Also it did end up with Article 5 of the NATO treaty being onvoked - again affecting us rather directly as well.


68 Britons died in the event - source The guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2002/aug/18/usa.terrorism

if anyone can post alternate figures then please do so, i can only go on what i have.

The IRA, according to a report by the University of Ulster CAIN department, were responsible for 450 UK military deaths along with 600 civilians and other military personnel


Article 5 did get invoked but that led to a bombing of Afghanistan and an illegal war against Iraq. Strange how a faction that has no "homeland" or is representative of a country causes the States to go after 2 countries.


As i said i have every sympathy with all those who had family and friends i just feel that the coverage is over the top - does it really need 3 pages in the sheffield Star 10 years later. Can you remember the Bali, Moscow or Madrid attacks? Can we expect the same 3rd September 2014 on the 10th anniversary of a terror attack where 160 children were murdered?


And for the poster who said dont watch or read. I respect your point but try picking up a paper or watching the news without seeing about it.

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I didn't want to see the coverage of it for weeks afterwards 10 years ago. I don't want to see all the references that still get made to it in the news and papers now. And I really don't want to have to watch it all over again, several times a day on the news in the lead up to the anniversary. Its all over the place today, and its 2 days before. Remembering it is one thing, taking it too far is another.

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Another tack: OP does not like the coverage- but maybe he/she has an undisclosed agenda that could explain a lot.

Let's deconstruct this bit, in particular:


It happened in America not Britain - we dont hold memorials for all the attacks by the IRA and i bet the americans dont hold memorials for the event of 7/7 in London


It was the reason used for a madman to go to an illegal war against someone not even related to the attacks and drag his lapdog with him (George jr)


So a rabid hatred of the USA might inform that post. I wonder why.


hmmm - Let me think.

Drive an American car, drink American beer, watch American sports, wear American clothes, eat American food

Had American partners

Worked for an American company

Spent time over there and enjoyed it

Love the states and would love to live over there in certain parts of it


So since you decided to "deconstruct" (which is what people do when they wish to pick on one point and focus on that instead of the whole post in an attempt to take the thread to an alternate agenda) I still stand by the two points you have raised. Take the New York times or the Washington Post, go to their web sites and try to find any mention of any anniversary of the July bombings over here. You could also try USA News


And George Bush was a madman who was going to go to war with Iraq regardless of any UN backing (because he wanted to finish the job his dad couldnt do) and his little lap dog Blair took us and innocent service men of Britain to their deaths illegally. If you can disprove this theory then i would be glad to discuss but on a different thread as not to take this off topic.


I don't dislike the coverage, i said if you read the post there is no need for the (IMHO) excessive coverage of it.


so before you go all Freud on my opinions in an attempt to sound clever then perhaps you could phrase your point a little more articulatly.

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I'm sorry if remembrence of this terrible event troubles you. It must interest some in the UK, and I'm sure there will be some interest in the tenth anniversary of 7/7 in America. However nobody is forcing you to watch it on TV or read about it in the Mirror. That's one of the freedoms we both share.:)


Buck - while i respect your opinion please feel free to look on CTCentral, Hartford Courant or the CT Post and at any period around 7th July in the last 5 years and find me a news story. The same goes for the anniversaries of Madrid, Bali, Moscow, etc.


Yes i accept it is the worst terrorist attack in numbers of people killed. That is not an issue but my point is the coverage is everywhere a week before the event. On the day before and the date then yes but do we really need news specials a week before?

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Another tack: OP does not like the coverage- but maybe he/she has an undisclosed agenda that could explain a lot.

Let's deconstruct this bit, in particular:


It happened in America not Britain - we dont hold memorials for all the attacks by the IRA and i bet the americans dont hold memorials for the event of 7/7 in London


It was the reason used for a madman to go to an illegal war against someone not even related to the attacks and drag his lapdog with him (George jr)


So a rabid hatred of the USA might inform that post. I wonder why.


If I were you, I would put a bag over my head, in shame of my stupid post.

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So since you decided to "deconstruct" (which is what people do when they wish to pick on one point and focus on that instead of the whole post in an attempt to take the thread to an alternate agenda) I still stand by the two points you have raised. Take the New York times or the Washington Post, go to their web sites and try to find any mention of any anniversary of the July bombings over here. You could also try USA News


Here you are:



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