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Paying for your children

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Re Multiple Births That is a very good point and one I think will require debate, because obviously this was not planned. We do ofcourse have families were multiple births are always a possibility, so maybe these people need to make a decision as to what is best for their personal situation.

Can I also just say, that although I have not read all the posts, I am so pleased to see that the comments I have read have been polite, which is unusual for this forum and they have been sensible and that also my idea seems to be quite well received.

Long may good natured debates take place, that is our right

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Likewise you don't choose to be born.


The pensioner has at least had 55-70 years of time to save for their old age. The ones retiring now have taken a hell of a lot out of the state and left a hell of a lot of debt for their children and their children's children, that is if they have done the decent thing and had children to pay off their share of the debt in the first place.


Perhaps we should stop paying the pension. A child has no had anytime to save money to bring itself up, and the state needs them to survive until working age, if anything we should increase child benefit, we need children to survive until adulthood so they can be taxed to pay off pensioner debt.


Hell, why should the immigrants be paying tax to the state to pay of the Englishman's debt. Maybe we should abolish the state and start everything again from scratch. No state pension, because they never funded it in the first place. Force them pensioners into work!


Not quite true, I took early retirement to go self employed, I have never invested in a pension scheme, thank god, but I have not taken out the state except for a small operation. I have worked since 14yrs of age. but please, this is a different debate, lets keep to the topic.

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Truly appreciated




Only removing them if they are in danger at home. I'm all for parents taking greater responsibility.


Me too and that is my whole point, people need to take more responsibility for their actions, in every thing they do in life. We all just wish for a happy and healthy life, its not much too ask, and we need to try and obtain this in a decent manner

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True! I think instead of parents being given X amount of money each week to spend on what ever they please vouchers should be brought in. Uniform should be mandatory in all schools, retailers should get on board to accept vouchers in return for uniform items and shoes & coats. When I was at school some children would get the said items from somewhere but it seemed they was all the same so other children spotted the kids with the 'eddy' coats and children can be cruel!! If a variety of retailers got involved parents could have a choice to get a better items and get the same as other kids. Also they should be given shopping vouchers and only be allowed to get 'proper' food with them.


Brilliant idea, so how come us guys on the street can come up with good ideas and the politicians cant!

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Difficult to pay for your own kids in this day and age.


Interestingly, with the people in my own circle of contacts, be it through work, socials, sports or visiting brothels, if I was to look at the females within my social circle the women in their 20s/30s who do not have kids have full time jobs.


They are delaying the chance to be a mother until they are financially able to do so, which could be too late if they leave it too long. The ones in their 20s/30s who are mothers either do not work, or are part time workers and have tax credits.


Strangely enough most of the men I know that have kids, non has jobs. The working men, can't afford to bring kids into the world

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Not quite true, I took early retirement to go self employed, I have never invested in a pension scheme, thank god, but I have not taken out the state except for a small operation. I have worked since 14yrs of age. but please, this is a different debate, lets keep to the topic.


You haven't even a pension?


You expect the state to provide you a pension, a pension far higher than child benefit, and you yourself will have claimed child benefit for four children. And your suggesting we stop paying benefits to people with more than 2 children?


When your claiming pension your a deadweight, a burden on the rest of society.


A child will grow up to be a taxpayer, one who will have to work longer and pay more tax than any child born before it. It shall have to wait till 70 to retire!

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Maybe if you breed them, then you should feed them. Why should couples who refrain from having children and both work, and single folk who work have to pay tax to feed someone elses children. I am sure no one minds paying into the NHS, but paying for some one elses kids, just does not seem right somehow.


If pay we must, then some kind of voucher system must be the way to go. Redeemable only for food and clothing.





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can i just highlight something, iv quickly glanced trough this, but i disagree with it totally.

im a partner to a man with two children , neither are my flesh and blood but i help out and raise them as my own when the come every other wkend.

re this post; does that mean hypothetically that im not to have any children as he already has two? my main question


even though i always wanted my own children and am likely to be able to have them too. what about all the people who unfortunatly cannot concieve, those who have difficulty and those who just choose not to as its not for them. should we be petty and ratio all those who dont and let people like me bring the numbers up by have my own two kids, even though my partner has two just for the simple fact a family cant or have chosen not to have children?????? look deeper family is what an extended family exs and children from that relationship excluded? there is complications eg multiple births , fostering go out the window then and adoption and someday surrogacy this topic is a massive debate. and that is putting it lightly

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can i just highlight something, iv quickly glanced trough this, but i disagree with it totally. :loopy:

im a partner to a man with two children , neither are my flesh and blood but i help out and raise them as my own when the come every other wkend.

re this post; does that mean hypothetically that im not to have any children as he already has two? my main question


even though i always wanted my own children and am likely to be able to have them too. what about all the people who unfortunatly cannot concieve, those who have difficulty and those who just choose not to as its not for them. should we be petty and ratio all those who dont and let people like me bring the numbers up by have my own two kids, even though my partner has two just for the simple fact a family cant or have chosen not to have children?????? look deeper family is what an extended family exs and children from that relationship excluded? there is complications eg multiple births , fostering go out the window then and adoption and someday surrogacy this topic is a massive debate. and that is putting it lightly!

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