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A Dangerous Incident In My Childhood!!

old tup

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Its funny how seemingly uninportant things remind you of incidents long forgotten,for instance a couple of days ago we had Welsh rarebit for lunch a thing I,ve not had for years.As I took in the aroma a memory I,d forgotten came back to me from when I was an infant Tup in the late 40s,at this time a third cooling tower was being built at the bottom of our field at Neepsend Power Station,the blokes building it had a large hut where they hung their coats and had their snap in,it had a pot bellied stove on which they made cheese on toast which I was given hence the memory recall!.I would spend all day with em until our old boy clocked off,anyway one day they were digging a massive hole near the River Don,I was sat on the edge talking and learning my repertoire of swear words when someone shouted out[Run=Run]the men dropped their shovels and bolted out of the hole,one of them grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and dragged me yards away with him.We looked back into the hole where a thick high tension electric cable was thrashing about sparks shooting everywhere in the place where I,d been sitting.It had broken free from the overhead pylon above luckily one of the navys saw it coming and saved us all,my mother allways gave the man who saved me lots of praise every time she saw him,much to his embarressment as he was a very shy man.This incident I,d forgotten until my Welsh rarebit:confused::roll:

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Those same cooling towers caused me some problems old tup,when I worked at Warringtons Transport on Bradfield Rd we I had to on a regular basis to bleed the water out of a Leyland 680 motor,the site manager said it was sabatage over a union dispute or other and it was winter,freezing cold and I hated the job.It was Ogdens who were demolishing the towers and being a nosey sod I asked if I could go up to the top on the lift,big mistake,we set off and the lift was shaking all over the place,6ft off the ground and I was already regretting asking.When I got to the top it was a fantastic view but very windy and cold and I was clinging on to the scaffolding for dear life and all the guys up there were laughing,they were walking about pushing barrows on planks as if they were on the pavement.No need to say this was my last request to go up again,this was around 1976.

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  • 2 months later...

My one dangerous incident memory of childhood was when walking along the road from the park to home, about 150yds and not on a road that leads anywhere, a man and a woman in a white car pulled up and the woman asked me if I wanted a sweet!!!!!! I ran as fast as my little legs could take me, this would have been in the 50's.

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I have a similar memory but it was my sister it happened to. When she was around 9 She was picked up by a man in a car, (around 1957) and he drove off with her, on the way up the High Street she saw our Granny and waved to her, my Granny started screaming for the car to stop, he stopped and chucked my sister out. She was quite oblivious to the danger she was in, she thought she was getting a lift to school.

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Those same cooling towers caused me some problems old tup,when I worked at Warringtons Transport on Bradfield Rd we I had to on a regular basis to bleed the water out of a Leyland 680 motor,the site manager said it was sabatage over a union dispute or other and it was winter,freezing cold and I hated the job.It was Ogdens who were demolishing the towers and being a nosey sod I asked if I could go up to the top on the lift,big mistake,we set off and the lift was shaking all over the place,6ft off the ground and I was already regretting asking.When I got to the top it was a fantastic view but very windy and cold and I was clinging on to the scaffolding for dear life and all the guys up there were laughing,they were walking about pushing barrows on planks as if they were on the pavement.No need to say this was my last request to go up again,this was around 1976.
a lad who went to our school worked for warringtons when he left in 83 right up until their closure, neil bishop was his name if you remember him?
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a lad who went to our school worked for warringtons when he left in 83 right up until their closure, neil bishop was his name if you remember him?
Sorry,I can't remember him,I was there from 1975-78.it was a scruffy hole and freezing cold but the mates were great.I enjoyed my time there mostly especially when we were on standby at the brewery.:hihi:
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