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Specific, credible but unconfirmed

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specific, credible but unconfirmed.



In the context of this report, "specific" means an attack against a particular, named target; "credible" means that they have good reason to believe the source is accurate, presumably because of past experience; "unconfirmed" means they don't actually know the source is accurate.



This is the sort of occasion where "can't tell you. Security..." actually does make sound sense. You wouldn't want the general public to know what american intelligence is expecting to happen, because if the general public knew, the terrorists planning any attacks would also know, and would alter their plans to take that into account.


Sadly, "security" is used far too many times when it shouldn't be as an excuse for a government not to tell anybody anything.

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They also were not the people who killed bin Laden. If you want to fill in missing details, that's rather an important one.



In early August 2011, one covert operation ended in tragedy in Afghanistan, when Taliban fighters shot down a Chinook helicopter carrying 38 people, including 17 commandos from a Navy Seals unit who were sent to back up a raid on an insurgent cell. The commando unit included some members of the team who killed Bin Laden.

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this guy lives across from the compound we are told OBL occupied and he was watching from his roof that particular night.


Translated I think he is suggesting a different story to the one we have all heard.


It's in Urdu. How are we meant to know what's being said?

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Is it due to some 8000 plus posts that you have now become Lord of the Manor or do you not want someone else that considers alternative thought posting on your forum.


Carry on asking the questions Baz1. People need to do that.


No it's not that at all. Imo there is a big difference between well intentioned but harmless normal conspiracy theorists, whose skepticism is simply a deeply held feeling and have a hard time trusting authority.


...and ideologically motivated conspiracy theorists like Baz1, who'll refuse to believe anything that paints the group to which he belongs in a bad light, and correspondingly, will believe anything that paints their perceived enemies in a bad light.


I have no beef with the former, although I do enjoy pointing out how silly they are, but the latter group disgusts me.

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