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Big freeze from November - what are your plans for survival?

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I have seen in the press, that in the next few weeks we are having to brace ourselves for storms back in the 1980s and the decades before, we called it a 'windy day, and the potential for damage is immense.


WE are bracing ourselves for floods which didn't used to be a problem because the drains were cleared caused by the up and coming deluge.


On top of this, the big freeze is due to start in November back in the 1980s and the decades before it was called winter, and we expected it to be cold and the dangers will be ever present and I for one am terrified.


During the big freeze there will be ice, and snow which could cause serious injury in the olden days, you simply watched where you were going -if you fell over other people simply laughed so for god sake everyone, please be carefull


Schools will have to face a major shutdown because the kids will be building giant snowballs in the playground, creating skid patches, building snowmen and having snowball fights be in serious danger of injuring themselves should they slip on the snow. My advice to all parents is to keep you kids at home until this winter holocorst passes. Be prepared as this thing could last until March as it often used to back in the 1980s and the decades before and do not, I REPEAT, DO NOT LEAVE THE HOME or even attempt to go to work. Ring your employer and say "I'm not coming to work for 5 months"


Stock up on food, people die if they are not fed, stock up on things like rice etc...you will not be able to get to the supermarket having said that during the big freeze last year, despite not being able to get to work, many people were still able to get to MOrrisons and Tesco for months. Buy 35 loafs of bread as this big freeze is likely to last for 4 days 5 months so keep the family fed.


If you do venture out into the world, for god sake make sure you are in a position to survive. In your car keep a warm coat, a snow shovel, some grit, a hot flask of soup because if your car breaks down strangely enough back in the 1980s and before people went by bus, and those that had cars, had cars that were far less reliable than cars in 2010. Your average Vauxhall Viva is more likely to break down that a 2011 Honda Civic ....as I was saying, if your car breaks down you may not get rescued for hours.


Comrades, I wish you all luck. The only thing that is worse than fear, is fear itself, we are in for a dark times, some of us will pay the ultimate price with our lifes. Be brave, we will get through this winter.


Or alternatively, we could adopt an old fashioned attitude and when the snow does come - get all the kids in the family together, get all the available sledges build snowmen and have a dam good time.


Bring on the snow :headbang::banana::banana:

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Aaahhhhhhhhh, I'm scared. I'm going back to Australia....oh wait! It is Autumn and the leaves on the train tracks mean I won't be able to catch a train to the airport!


(You forgot to mention the 3 day heat wave we had this year- known in other parts of the world as 'Summer')

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I have seen in the press, that in the next few weeks we are having to brace ourselves for storms back in the 1980s and the decades before, we called it a 'windy day, and the potential for damage is immense.


WE are bracing ourselves for floods which didn't used to be a problem because the drains were cleared caused by the up and coming deluge.


On top of this, the big freeze is due to start in November back in the S and the decades before it was called winter, and we expected it to be cold and the dangers will be ever present and I for one am terrified.


During the big freeze there will be ice, and snow which could cause serious injury in the olden days, you simply watched where you were going -if you fell over other people simply laughed so for god sake everyone, please be carefull


Schools will have to face a major shutdown because the kids will be building giant snowballs in the playground, creating skid patches, building snowmen and having snowball fights be in serious danger of injuring themselves should they slip on the snow. My advice to all parents is to keep you kids at home until this winter Holocaust passes. Be prepared as this thing could last until March as it often used to back in the 1980s and the decades before and do not, I REPEAT, DO NOT LEAVE THE HOME or even attempt to go to work. Ring your employer and say "I'm not coming to work for 5 months"


Stock up on food, people die if they are not fed, stock up on things like rice etc...you will not be able to get to the supermarket having said that during the big freeze last year, despite not being able to get to work, many people were still able to get to MOrrisons and Tesco for months. Buy 35 loafs of bread as this big freeze is likely to last for 4 days 5 months so keep the family fed.


If you do venture out into the world, for god sake make sure you are in a position to survive. In your car keep a warm coat, a snow shovel, some grit, a hot flask of soup because if your car breaks down strangely enough back in the 1980s and before people went by bus, and those that had cars, had cars that were far less reliable than cars in 2010. Your average Vauxhall Viva is more likely to break down that a 2011 Honda Civic ....as I was saying, if your car breaks down you may not get rescued for hours.


Comrades, I wish you all luck. The only thing that is worse than fear, is fear itself, we are in for a dark times, some of us will pay the ultimate price with our lifes. Be brave, we will get through this winter.


Or alternatively, we could adopt an old fashioned attitude and when the snow does come - get all the kids in the family together, get all the available sledges build snowmen and have a dam good time.


Bring on the snow :headbang::banana::banana:


Not sure of the purpose of your post, your location you do not declare.

Snow,Ice, High Winds are common place here. 1 to 2 foot of snow and temps down to -14 are not unusual, but we get on with it and the area does not grind to a halt.

I don't think we are in for dark times you are talking crap. Put on an extra jumper and have a pot of soup.

It will be Snow and Ice where does the Holocaust factor come into this.

I would keep taking the tablets or cut down on the John Smiths.

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Not sure of the purpose of your post, your location you do not declare.

Snow,Ice, High Winds are common place here. 1 to 2 foot of snow and temps down to -14 are not unusual, but we get on with it and the area does not grind to a halt.

I don't think we are in for dark times you are talking crap. Put on an extra jumper and have a pot of soup.

It will be Snow and Ice where does the Holocaust factor come into this.

I would keep taking the tablets or cut down on the John Smiths.


Whoooooooooooooooooosh it went straight over your head.

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It may be spelt incorrectly, but brace yourself to be picked up for using that word :roll:


I agree totally with the sentiment of the thread btw.


Who invoked the 'Holocaust' ban this despicable Nazi for equating the single most important event in World history with some dodgy winter weather. :hihi:

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