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This John Galliano anti semitic episode..

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Play it safe and keep your head down, if you must criticise any group do as a lot of the cowards on this forum do and confine your remarks to non-Jewish and non-Hispanic whites preferably the white working class the N word is banned the Y word is banned but you may scream chav from the roof tops.


Since when was 'chav' a racial thing?


There are chavs of all colours and creeds! It's probably one of the most diverse groups in our whole society!

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He was a talented man so bring him down seems to be the mindset.

If a person of no note had made the comments it would not have ended up in court.




Sorry to disagree. The PC mentality is running riot, you are just not allowed to say what you think is correct any more.


We fought two world wars so we could be free, and say and do anything within sensible parameters, this of course now has been over-riden by the PC mafia.





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We fought two world wars so we could be free, and say and do anything within sensible parameters, this of course now has been over-riden by the PC mafia.


What on earth are you on about? The first world war had nothing at all to do with those issues and the second world war barely did, that's the hollywood narrative.

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We fought two world wars...


To stop people with views like John Galliano. I do care if the people you hate are white, black, muslim, jewish, whatever. Keep it to yourself. When people start sharing hatred and building groups around that hatred you get situations like the Second World War. Which, as you pointed out, we fought against.

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