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Atheism: new religion?


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Originally Posted by chorba View Post

According to the laws of physics you can't have pasta flying around in the air.



But, his point is valid, according to the laws of physics you can't have pasta flying around in the air.


Of course you can. Have you never seen him - he appears to the faithful and it's clear that he flies by electrostatic repulsion - he rubs his noodly appendages together to create antistatic electricity that repels him from all forms of normal matter hence he floats above the surface of the ground, serene and unruffled.


It also lets him apparantly walk on water too, which is a great trick all deitys should learn to master as it inspires the faithful and looks so cool....

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And do you have an opinion on people who believe in a god or in gods?


Do you think it's ridiculous to believe in a divinity?

Me, I find believing in the spaghetti monster ridiculous and I wouldn't hesitate to say that I know that the monster doesn't exist, I have no doubts about its non existence.


Do you believe in a "divinity" ? If so, why is that any less ridiculous than the spaghetti monster?


As far as I'm aware, the church of the FSM was started to MAKE this point.


I know it doesn't exist.





Why is that?


How do you KNOW it doesn't exist? You say that according to the laws of physics pasta can't fly. According to the laws of physics there's many things that a divinity would be unable to do also.

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Do you feel the same about the spaghetti monster?


Do you accept the possibility that you could be wrong about its non existence?


If not then to an atheist what is the difference between the spaghetti monster and God?


Do you feel that there is a difference?




I think you might finally be starting to understand.

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