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Atheism: new religion?


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Can pasta fly without humans getting involved?


By itself?


It's as likely as a guy with a big beard having created the universe isn't it?


It's obviously not just some pasta from Tesco's though, it's special divine pasta.


It all depends of your beliefs.

If your belief depends on your belief then it's rather circular isn't it... Don't you think you're belief would be more sensible if it depended on, oh, say, the evidence?

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If I believe in a divinity I would find it ok for others to think my belief is ridiculous. I have no problem with that. I'm just asking.


And I agree with you. I think the point of the GFSM church or whatever they call themselves is to show how ridiculous they think it is to believe in God.


In that sense they are no different from any other church.


They all think they are right.


woosh military flyby overhead! I thought you had it but no

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It's as likely as a guy with a big beard having created the universe isn't it?


It's obviously not just some pasta from Tesco's though, it's special divine pasta.



If your belief depends on your belief then it's rather circular isn't it... Don't you think you're belief would be more sensible if it depended on, oh, say, the evidence?


Its based on infinitely fine flour, that is why it is so good at flying! I cannot worship the pasta deity until I know whether its eyes are meatballs or soya! I may go to the freezer for eternity as a none believer!

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Are you a former religious person recently converted to atheism? :D


nope I went to a C of E school and remember hymns and prayers but I remember not ever even remotely believing any of it. I thought of them as stories my only interest was that you sometimes get nice bibles.


I actually believed in father christmas longer than god and I was an early none beliver in father christmas. I put talc on the doormat to check whether he came on christmas eve but when there was a footprint I got my dads shoes to check the size. I was not therefore convinced!:D

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oh ok then, if it's a special divine pasta...


I think you can appreciate that for someone who believes in god, god and the GFSM are not the same think i.e. human inventions.


For religious people God and religion give them answers about why they are here, the origin of the universe and many more existential (but not only) questions.


who says the spaghetti monster is a human invention? maybe spaghetti (as we know it) is based on the monster!

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