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The largest manufacturer in the UK is Indian.

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This Indian company is buying up a hell of a lot of British companies, some companies which are vital to the country, especially in war-time, and also in peace time (for maintaining and improving infrastructure, services etc.)


Meanwhile, India, which has it's own nuclear weapons and space program receives millions each year in aid from the UK... (£295 million this year)




India is home to Indian's such as Mukesh Ambani (managing director of the largest private sector enterprise in India), you might of heard of him and his house in Mumbai... The most expensive house in the world, one which requires 600 staff and has parking for hundreds of cars, next to one of the largest slums in the world. The largest slum in asia, one which houses over 1 million people.




If the Indians can't even look after their own, we should worry about their presence in the UK.


It's called capitalism. We can't do anythying about it. Ethics don't come into it. The bottom line is everything and if people get exploited or hurt, who cares?

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Do anything? We're British, we won't do anything .... not until it's too late.


It's already too late.

A hard working Indian with a vision risked his own money and saved British jobs for British workers while UK investment would have let it die.


Hooray for the Indians who saved Sheffield steel.

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It is not a case of doing it for ethical reasons, but doing what is economically viable, and isn't that always the case anyhow? Tata is a multinational company (MNC). Of course it wants to look after number one. Having tentacles here and there in countries where it has business potential, will ensure its survival in the future. UK never went down the same path as Sweden. Promoting heavily British services or produce abroad and maintaining a functional manufacturing setup at home.


The problem is that, British companies did not economically expand, and we do not market and sell abroad. That is our own downfall. Well, except for Tesco, but we still moan about Tesco. Even our universities are doing well by charging higher fees for foreign students to learn, as education is now a business. As it our football. We as a nation are not very capitalistic or very economically minded, so why should we moan or care, when other countries are ? How can you sell something, without putting in the effort to market it ? UK has to decide on how to survive in the future based on how the rest of the world is.


UK is now going through a phase of post-industrialisation, and into the phase of sustainability in a local level. Other countries are just going through their own industrialised phase.. can we blame them for wanting to create more wealth for their own people ?

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