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The largest manufacturer in the UK is Indian.

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Don't see a problem with it myself. The Indians have always lived like this, Maharajas living in palaces whilst whole families live on the pavement. Surely it is little different from USA where they have some of the worlds richest people and companies buying up assets from other countries including this one, whilst they also have people living in terrible slums especially in the southern states. Is this not a reflection of when we were in the same position a 100 years or so ago.

The only ones who have taken the P*** are the French who bouht up vast tracts of our industry and when times got tight promptly transferred the work to France and closed down the UK factories. (eg large parts of the old GEC which became Alsthom)

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Don't see a problem with it myself. The Indians have always lived like this, Maharajas living in palaces whilst whole families live on the pavement. Surely it is little different from USA where they have some of the worlds richest people and companies buying up assets from other countries including this one, whilst they also have people living in terrible slums especially in the southern states. Is this not a reflection of when we were in the same position a 100 years or so ago.
Oh and how much aid do we give to the USA
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Its ridiculous that we give aid to India. As a nation, we're basically, a bunch of gullible numpties...


Seems so, remember this,



Corus is owned by Tata Steel of India. Recently, Tata received “EU-carbon-credits” worth up to £1bn, ostensibly so that steel-production at Redcar would not be crippled by the EU’s “carbon-emissions-trading-scheme”. By closing the plant at Redcar – and not making any “carbon-emissions” – Tata walks off with £1bn of taxpayers’ money, which it will invest in its steel-factories in India, where there is no “carbon-emissions-trading-scheme”.



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Hundreds of UK troops losing their lives for a war the US declared?


Define "aid" first...then ask the question.

You are being really silly the question was do we give aid to the USA, answer 'no we don't'

We give £millions of UK tax payers money to India a country with more £billionairs than in the UK and all you can do is make silly resposes like the above.


Just in case you failed to read and digest I'll re-post what retep posted.:-


Corus is owned by Tata Steel of India. Recently, Tata received “EU-carbon-credits” worth up to £1bn, ostensibly so that steel-production at Redcar would not be crippled by the EU’s “carbon-emissions-trading-scheme”. By closing the plant at Redcar – and not making any “carbon-emissions” – Tata walks off with £1bn of taxpayers’ money, which it will invest in its steel-factories in India, where there is no “carbon-emissions-trading-scheme”.




You really must do better.

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Don't see a problem with it myself. The Indians have always lived like this, Maharajas living in palaces whilst whole families live on the pavement. Surely it is little different from USA where they have some of the worlds richest people


So we should support the Indian Billionairs way of life whilst elderly in this country go without and the pension age is rising beacause we can't afford to look after our own elderly because people like you want to squander their hard earned dues on taking care of rich Indians workers.

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