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Pro-Israeli groups cancels Palestinian childrens' art

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As was quite clear from my post, that poster was objecting to more than one person who disagreed with him/her posting on a thread describing them as 'cavalry' when she herself was acting as 'cavalry for another poster'. Do keep up.


I've found the Islamist argument quite poor myself today. Consisting of 'what I don't like is offensive, what other people find offensive is just freedom of expression'. My cat could put together a more coherent argument.


'islamist'? does that include me? I'm an atheist, through and through, people who get offended can generally go and (insert as applicable) - fundamentalist muslims who blow innocent people up in the name of their religion are fascists, as are christians , jews and hindus who do the same.


To write off all muslims because there are some fascist nutters amongst them is the same as blaming all jews for the crimes of israel, or all yanks and brits for the atrocity at falluja.


the thread is about the banning of an exhibition of palestian children's art at the insistence of right wing zionists and I'm still waiting for a cogent argument in favour of that.


as usual, the thread has become an anti muslim one and that's not what it's about.

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'islamist'? does that include me? I'm an atheist, through and through, people who get offended can generally go and (insert as applicable) - fundamentalist muslims who blow innocent people up in the name of their religion are fascists, as are christians , jews and hindus who do the same.


To write off all muslims because there are some fascist nutters amongst them is the same as blaming all jews for the crimes of israel, or all yanks and brits for the atrocity at falluja.


the thread is about the banning of an exhibition of palestian children's art at the insistence of right wing zionists and I'm still waiting for a cogent argument in favour of that.


as usual, the thread has become an anti muslim one and that's not what it's about.


That's absolute BS and you know it. Basically you're pulling the hypocrite card again and demanding that threads be given across to Jew bashing. And if somebody points out the utter hypocritsy of criticising Jews for doing something A LOT of Muslims do on a much wider scale, in a much more violent and threatening fashion is NOT islamophobia it's just stating an obvious fact, and pulling the islamophobia card just stinks of not actually having a coherent argument to rebut that.


Come on. I'm waiting for you to explain to me why it is apparently okay that Muslims work themselves up into a hissy fit of international incident proportions, attempted murder, rioting and bombing over art and that's okay, mentioning it is apparently islamophobic.


But if a Jewish group object in fairly mild terms to a local exhibition that's outrageous and obviously part of some vast zionist conspiracy.


Why is it acceptable for one group to demand that art that offends them be removed and not another? Simply playing the islamophobia card doesn't answer these questions at all and is quite simply a transparent attempt to avoid them because you can't answer them.

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That's absolute BS and you know it. Basically you're pulling the hypocrite card again and demanding that threads be given across to Jew bashing. And if somebody points out the utter hypocritsy of criticising Jews for doing something A LOT of Muslims do on a much wider scale, in a much more violent and threatening fashion is NOT islamophobia it's just stating an obvious fact, and pulling the islamophobia card just stinks of not actually having a coherent argument to rebut that.


Come on. I'm waiting for you to explain to me why it is apparently okay that Muslims work themselves up into a hissy fit of international incident proportions, attempted murder, rioting and bombing over art and that's okay, mentioning it is apparently islamophobic.


But if a Jewish group object in fairly mild terms to a local exhibition that's outrageous and obviously part of some vast zionist conspiracy.


Why is it acceptable for one group to demand that art that offends them be removed and not another? Simply playing the islamophobia card doesn't answer these questions at all and is quite simply a transparent attempt to avoid them because you can't answer them.


the BS is yours fella, I am not a jew baiter, hater or any othert form of anti semite, equally I do not hate islam or muslims, I am the classic man in the middle.


I do not object to israel's behaviour on the grounds of it being jewish, or al qaeda's on the grounds of it being muslim or the nazis on the grounds of it being german, I object to Israel's violence against the people of palestine, be they muslim christian or secular, on the grounds that it is barbaric, disproportionate and fascistic.


but that isn't the point , the thread is about whether people have the right to hear the testimony of the children of gaza in the face of right wing, zionist opposition and my view is that we have the same right as we do to know of the experience of violent oppression by the taliban

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How do you know given that it has been cancelled ?


The Zionist propaganda is that it is Islamic propaganda you accept the former and agree to be kept in the dark regarding the latter.


Some people are unfortunately blind however those that are fortunate enough to be able to see really shouldn't poke themselves in the eyes with a sharp stick.


Check out this video on YouTube:


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the BS is yours fella, I am not a jew baiter, hater or any othert form of anti semite, equally I do not hate islam or muslims, I am the classic man in the middle.


I do not object to israel's behaviour on the grounds of it being jewish, or al qaeda's on the grounds of it being muslim or the nazis on the grounds of it being german, I object to Israel's violence against the people of palestine, be they muslim christian or secular, on the grounds that it is barbaric, disproportionate and fascistic.


but that isn't the point , the thread is about whether people have the right to hear the testimony of the children of gaza in the face of right wing, zionist opposition and my view is that we have the same right as we do to know of the experience of violent oppression by the taliban


Again you're engaging in the same hypocrisy and not answering the question. When people you disagree with are objecting to art on the grounds they find it offensive you are defending this as something that has 'a right to be expressed'.


You're objecting to the fact that people who you don't agree with are being listened to and trying to impose your views on them. And you have not answered my question. Why is it okay for one group to object to art to the extent that people die in response to it, but for the other group they cannot object in the mildest terms to something that offends them.


You've come up with no better argument that 'Well I like them so they should be allowed to be offended, but they don't agree with me so I don't like them and nobody should listen to them'. All a bit primary school for me.

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How do you know given that it has been cancelled ?


The Zionist propaganda is that it is Islamic propaganda you accept the former and agree to be kept in the dark regarding the latter.


Some people are unfortunately blind however those that are fortunate enough to be able to see really shouldn't poke themselves in the eyes with a sharp stick.


Check out this video on YouTube:






When I see Jewish kids doing this I'll change my opinions.


Or Jews dressing there kids like this




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When I see Jewish kids doing this I'll change my opinions.


Yes, like writing 'goodwill' messages on Israeli missiles destined for Gaza and Lebanon :






And all the while, their teachers look on and smile.




And terrorists in the making :






You have anything to say on the above ? :cool:

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I'm waiting for you to explain to me why it is apparently okay that Muslims work themselves up into a hissy fit of international incident proportions, attempted murder, rioting and bombing over art and that's okay, mentioning it is apparently islamophobic.


But if a Jewish group object in fairly mild terms to a local exhibition that's outrageous and obviously part of some vast zionist conspiracy.


Why did pro-Israeli groups demand that the exhibition didn't go ahead ? - what was the reason ?


If someone objected to the following :


In 2007, it exhibited paintings made during World War II by American children in the Kaiser shipyard child care center. The art featured images of Hitler, burning airplanes, sinking battleships, empty houses and a sad girl next to a Star of David.


... and it was cancelled, what would you say ?

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the question is whether we will tolerate having our political, cultural and human agendas dictated to us by the representatives and supporters of powerful, paranoid states like israel and saudi arabia, criticism of both is stifled whilst other similar countries (eg gaddafi's libya) are bombed to hell. we then learn that amongst the tortured of libya are some that we put in their torture houses - who are now in charge.


only with free access to information and opinion can we make our own mind's up and be free.


interestingly, the arab spring may be about to bust the cosy status quo on both saudi and israel - the new governments are less pally with the west (that's why NATO was so keen to get on the right side of the inevitable) and I look forward to the reopening of the gaza border with egypt. Israel's killing of 10 egyptian border guards was rash, they need to learn to play the game like the rest of the world.

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