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Pro-Israeli groups cancels Palestinian childrens' art

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that's irrelevent, if someone's offended by an exhibition of children's art responses to witnessing war , they can go screw, whether it's gazans or israelis or 1940s german children - the reason it was banned was that a right wing faction of zionists (not jews, the people who interrupted the israeli orchestra the other week were largely liberal jews) have a racist hatred of palestinians (including secular and christtian palestinians) and powerfully object to anything that humanizes them.


it has to stop and the new arab spring governments may be the start.


No it is relevant. Would you be supporting the exhbiting of Israeli children's responses to suicide bombings and attacks against civilians in Tower Hamlets for example?


For a start that would never happen because as soon as the idea was mooted people would be falling over themselves to have it stopped as offensive. But if it DID go ahead you can guarantee there would be riots or damn close to them.


Where are you getting your information it was Zionists that stopped the exhibition anyway? The organisers said it was Jewish groups and other non-Jewish residents. Nothing about Zionist, and several of the articles I've read have said many complaints were about the content of the exhibition being unsuitable for areas which children had access to and the layout of the library was such they couldn't give access without children seeing it.


But of course you will be keeping your tin foil hat on insisting that some kind of Jewish cabal that rules the world put it's might together to close down a small local exhibition in between organising 9/11 and orchestrating the world financial meltdown. Yeeeeees.:loopy::loopy::loopy:

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hiya cxc, all fascists and thought police hate it for the same reason, zionist or otherwise, that's why julian assange is facing deportation, i am not specifically anti zionist, i hate fundamentalist, religious based bigotry of any kind including islamic fascism in saudi and bush blair christian crusading in iraq and afghanistan - they all want to keep me in the dark and feed me the bs they think god gave them the right to profess. When a saudi executioner cuts someone's head off or amputates an arm, it's no better or worse that an idf sniper putting a round through a palestinian's head in my opinion.


It's barbaric and fascist


Yeah, you tell em Wolfy!!!

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No it is relevant. Would you be supporting the exhbiting of Israeli children's responses to suicide bombings and attacks against civilians in Tower Hamlets for example?


For a start that would never happen because as soon as the idea was mooted people would be falling over themselves to have it stopped as offensive. But if it DID go ahead you can guarantee there would be riots or damn close to them.


Where are you getting your information it was Zionists that stopped the exhibition anyway? The organisers said it was Jewish groups and other non-Jewish residents. Nothing about Zionist, and several of the articles I've read have said many complaints were about the content of the exhibition being unsuitable for areas which children had access to and the layout of the library was such they couldn't give access without children seeing it.


oh I do hate those 'loony' cartoon figures, it's a discussion forum not a disney short , but hey ho..


would I support the jewish children of tower hamlets expressing their feelings and experiences of violence and oppression? yes yes a million times yes - although i suspect the children of tower hamlets have not recently experienced war - there will be somalian and iraqi (etc) children who have, but anyone expressing their experience must be defended to the hilt.


anyone, muslim jew, hindu christian who objected to the children of tower hamlets or anywhere else, expressing their experience is a dangerous nutcase who should be vehemently opposed . it's called freedom of expression and is particularly acute when it involves children who have experienced war.


some parents felt the exhibition should be stopped for paternalistic reason because the images were upsetting - then don't go, don't take your kids and also ban the jewish memorial museum in prague which is one of the most distressing and necessary places I have ever been - I wondered about taking my daughter but did so and she is a better person as a result. If the palestinian exhibition came to sheffield, I would also take her there , for the same reasons.


do I think there is a jewish/zionist cabal running the world? no, I think there are a bunch of right wing militarists running israel, that thje west has tolerated and supported them for half a century or more and it's now time for change - the 'holy land' wasn't given by right by a god I don't believe in any more than mecca was, religion cannot dictate how non believers act and think whatever nutjobs of ant faith believe - the idea of a 'jewish stae' is as abhorrent as a 'muslim' or 'christian' one - humanity thrives when diversity and humanity prevail and there are many many jews/christians/ muslims who know that.


the world financial meltdown has nothing to do with israel or judaism, I don't believe that because I'm not an anti semite or a nazi, I'm a socialist like the founders of israel were.


hope that clears it up.

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Yeah, you tell em Wolfy!!!


do you mean citizen smith? cool!!! people who espouse human rights are loony left trots - christ.


I give up then - break out the thumbscrews and testicle electrodes, get stuck in mugabe, gadaffi, franco, blair and bush - the sheffield forum salutes you all!!

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The Zionists despise the internet because of the very fact you've posted, Frank (the bit in bold).


If only they could control the internet and stop all the exposé of their sick, murderous actions, the world would be a better place (for them anyway).


Well, it ain't gonna happen. The more heinous acts they engage in, the more they'll be brought out in the open.


Oh riiiiiiiiight. So there's an all powerful zionist conspiracy manipulating the world but they can't control the interwebz, even though we've seen in countries like China and Iran this is possible. Erm....maybe they're not that powerful at all in that case or...oooh, don't exist!


Also Israel has a free and open press which are allowed to be openly critical of Israel and it's government, so CXC3000's comments re Zionists despising the internet make no sense.

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oh audrey - no I am not advocating war, I am a non war kinda guy - I am advocating the opening of the egyptian border and the assimilation of the beseiged population of gaza into a 'greater arab' palestinian/egyptian state with the palestinians full citizens.

I would really really hope that israel wouldn't respond by starting world war 3 cos I like being alive and I have a daughter I hope will die of old age in 70 odd years time.


why would opening the egypt border lead to war?


If Egypt wanted Gaza to be part of Egypt and Gazan's wanted that too, it would have already happened. I suspect, Egypt does not want the burden of Gaza as it's own territory, and neither do Gazan's want to become Egyptian.

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would I support the jewish children of tower hamlets expressing their feelings and experiences of violence and oppression? yes yes a million times yes - although i suspect the children of tower hamlets have not recently experienced war - there will be somalian and iraqi (etc) children who have, but anyone expressing their experience must be defended to the hilt.


anyone, muslim jew, hindu christian who objected to the children of tower hamlets or anywhere else, expressing their experience is a dangerous nutcase who should be vehemently opposed . it's called freedom of expression and is particularly acute when it involves children who have experienced war.


some parents felt the exhibition should be stopped for paternalistic reason because the images were upsetting - then don't go, don't take your kids and also ban the jewish memorial museum in prague which is one of the most distressing and necessary places I have ever been - I wondered about taking my daughter but did so and she is a better person as a result. If the palestinian exhibition came to sheffield, I would also take her there , for the same reasons.


do I think there is a jewish/zionist cabal running the world? no, I think there are a bunch of right wing militarists running israel, that thje west has tolerated and supported them for half a century or more and it's now time for change - the 'holy land' wasn't given by right by a god I don't believe in any more than mecca was, religion cannot dictate how non believers act and think whatever nutjobs of ant faith believe - the idea of a 'jewish stae' is as abhorrent as a 'muslim' or 'christian' one - humanity thrives when diversity and humanity prevail and there are many many jews/christians/ muslims who know that.


the world financial meltdown has nothing to do with israel or judaism, I don't believe that because I'm not an anti semite or a nazi, I'm a socialist like the founders of israel were.


hope that clears it up.


I was quite clearly and specificly talking about the exhibiting of the work of Israeli childen in Tower Hamlets, not the exhibiting of local children's work so you've kind of side stepped the question again.


I can agree with you that it would be nice if we all had freedom of expression and any exhibition could be seen. But the fact still remains that we live in the real world, not an ideal one and the fact remaisn that when it comes to censorship it's often Muslims who shout the loudest and make the most demands on others and 'take offence'.


So I still stand by my original point that if one group retains the right to be offended and demand the removal of art then that right should apply equally to other groups.

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