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Pro-Israeli groups cancels Palestinian childrens' art

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I think they know him from another forum as do I. So yes they do know him well, he hasn't denied being the same person.


He is a bad man mentioning Zionist crimes we all know that only Muslims and White People commit hate crimes.


Off with his head.


Oops that should be White non-jewish people.

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America not allowing Palestinian children to display war art on American soil may not be the Jews to blame...maybe its themselves and their families views caught on film....lest we forget eh CXc3ooo!


... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMOZvbYJMvU



Not everything bad in the world is the fault of Israel you strange person. Truth stands out and coming on here as several other identities just weakens your argument especially when you answer your own questions...people that talk to themselves are one thing but answering too..thats just mad!




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He's obsessed with Jews. There is a line that he crossed that many of us realised many moons ago. You'll notice that despite being told certain facts on the ground, he chooses to ignore them and post identical threads with identical simplistic emotive nonsense - I genuinely believe he's actually mentally ill and needs help (he's also got copromania - an obsession with poo, i'm not even joking). The reason he was banned from DS this time was for pretending to be a Jew in order to incite hate AGAINST Jews. If thats the sort of free speech you're defending, please think again.


Jericho, I think you hate it when Israeli terrorism is exposed. If you want people to stop posting on said topic, then I'm sure you know what the solution is.


If you can, have a word with the extremists in Tel Aviv (and the cowardly IDF),and tell them to stop murdering Palestinian civilians.


Maybe then things will change ?

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America not allowing Palestinian children to display war art on American soil may not be the Jews to blame...maybe its themselves and their families views caught on film....lest we forget eh CXc3ooo!


... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMOZvbYJMvU



Not everything bad in the world is the fault of Israel you strange person



Israeli children writing 'goodwill' messages on missiles destined for Gaza and Lebanon (and all the while, their teachers look on, smiling) :








Israeli children being taught to kill Arabs :






HJ, do you condemn the above ?

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So when are you arranging for Israels children to have there paintings displayed in the West Bank?...like you want Palestinian childrens war art displayed in America or do you not see the similarity/


http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_pEfVJ93Cwa8/TFHrI9m-KZI/AAAAAAAAG6A/Gzf0Ei3Is0o/s400/clinic-reason3training.jpg are you entirely sure that those words have not been added by you?

All Israel is on alert from the hundreds of millions of Muslim's in the world who want them dead and I would teach my child to defend too....Arabs dont want a land called Palestine because if they get it they will still want the nation of Israel dead...Land wont satisfy blood lust. Tell me a place on earth with Muslims living in peace with others

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