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Islamophobia, how ridiculous!

Is it irrational to have a fear of Muslims who have been radicalised?  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it irrational to have a fear of Muslims who have been radicalised?

    • Yes, it's irrational
    • No, it's a fact and makes sense

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No... the word Islamiphobia is unjustified, because, even as you say, it is not irrational!


Watch the programme (it wasn't available earlier!)




I'd say that Islamophobia is as justified as any other phobia such as Arachnophobia. A tiny amount of spiders have the potential to harm you, just like only a tiny percentage of Muslims have the potential to harm you.

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We have to look at the thread title.




Then the poll question.




The two contradict each other.


Is Islamophobia daft - yes


Is it irrational to have a fear of Muslims who have been radicalised? - Not at all because that minority have been radicalised and pose a danger.


I suspect the question and thread title were deliberately set in that way so it looks like voters are against Islam rather than the tiny minority of extremists.


As you are fond of saying yourself, links, proof please.


I've found this:




Which seems to indicate that extremists are not a tiny minority based on polling on opinions:


0% of British Muslims found homosexuality acceptable.

- 3% found relations outside of marriage morally justifiable.

- 40% of this poll found Muslims wanting Sharia law in the UK.

- 75% of young muslims want women to wear the veil (or at least hijab)


As I’ve stated though, there are rather more concerning patterns emerging:


1) The extremist views of young Muslims in particular (aged 16-24)


These results are from a poll of Muslim students:


– 33% claim that killing is justified if done to protect religion.

– 40 percent support the introduction of sharia for British Muslims.

– 33 percent support a worldwide Islamic caliphate based on sharia.



These results are from Muslims polled (16 – 24) for Policy Exchange:

-37 percent of young British Muslims want Sharia law in Britain.

-36 percent of young British Muslims think apostates should be killed.

-13 percent of young British Muslims said they “admired” Al Qaeda.


2) Support or Sympathy with Terrorism & 3) Conspiracy Theories


-According to a 2006 Pew Survey, only 17% of British Muslims believe that Arabs carried out the September 11th attacks.


-According to an NOP survey, 2007:

-24 percent of British Muslims deny that the four British Muslim suicide bombers carried out the 7/7 attacks.

-24 percent of British Muslims believe the British government carried out the 7/7 attacks.


-According to Channel 4 Polls in August 2006, reported in both the Scotsman and the Financial Times:

-24 per cent agreed or tended to agree that the 7/7 bombings were justified.

-45 per cent think 9/11 was carried out by the US or Israel.

-16 percent of British Muslims support suicide bombing in Israel.

-7 percent of British Muslims support suicide bombing in Britain.


4)The denial of Islam requiring scrutiny, and the will to suppress free speech and criticism.


-NOP Channel 4 polling came out with these results:


-33% of Muslims want Sharia Law as implemented in Saudi Arabia.

-28% of muslims agreed they dreamt of Britain becoming an Islamic State.


-78% wanted Danish cartoonist prosecuted.

-68% want prosecutions for insulting Islam.

-62% disagree with the freedom of speech if it insults religious sensibilities.

-50% said British people who insult Islam should be arrested and prosecuted.

-Between 5-9% say that violence to protect Islam is acceptable.

-Whilst 10-13% found that they “understood” why young muslims might want to become suicide bombers.

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They weren't talking about muslims who had been radicalised, they were talking about the phobia of islam and muslims generally.


The only way your post makes sense is if you are claiming all muslims are terrorist.


Let me put it another way, is it irrational to have a fear of muslims who have NOT been radicalised? Clearly, it is irrational, hence islamophobia.


What is a none radical Muslim?


A Muslim who does not believe in all the Koran?


A Muslim who does not want all of sharia law?


A Muslim who wants a clear separation of powers within government?


What is a none radical Muslim?


A Muslim who does not kill but supports killing? What??

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