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Unfair,Unrealistic Insurance prices!!


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My wife recently renewed the insurance on her 2002, A3 1.9tdi, she has a full protected NCB, although she had a total loss during the 2006 floods. I (age 64) and our 32 year old son are named, we are both conviction and claim free.


The cover is comprehensive, has full protected no claims bonus, guaranteed courtesy car, legal expenses and all singing all dancing recovery.


The annual premium was £480.00 with Churchill.

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Insurance companies are granted a monopoly by the state, it is a disgrace.


Somebody gets injured and the NHS picks up the bill, an NHS paid for by your taxes.


The high insurance costs ensure big bonuses for banker scum.


You are being robbed!


Is everyone who has made a few bob, lives in a nice house and drives a nice car 'scum' to you? If so I plead guilty on all counts, and feel no guilt in not remaining in a council house on The Manor, where I started out on this journey of life.


Car insurance is costly because too many factors are involved in a simple claim, solicitors, claims managers, expensive repair bills, personal injury compensation, sky high courtesy car hire and Insurance Premium Tax all conspire to stuff the insurer good style.


Most brokers will be working on circa 12.50% commission, so will have a menu of charges including a policy charge, policy changes charges, renewal charges etc.


I am trying to get my head around where the bankers are to blame for insurance premium costs, personally I blame Margaret Thatcher. :rolleyes:

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What I don't understand about these thieving barstewards is why does MY car insurance go up just because some idiot crashed into ME and it was never in doubt that it was HIS fault?


No wonder there are so many driving without insurance, its just a legal way to rob people.

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Or the same number of cars, but less of them insured?


true i can see why so manypeople run cars without it 200 for a old banger twice a yr =£400+ 2 lots of court costs still is not whay they want for insurance i have had it with this country we all just sit and take any **** they throw at us it is about time we all stood up and got counted and we could do with a wage rise everytime these things go up then it would not matter takes the mik

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