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Unfair,Unrealistic Insurance prices!!


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you dont call it a rip off when insurance pays you £2-3k each for whiplash?

when someone reverse into my car in supermarket carpark at very low speed with small dent on wheel arch and rear bumper, the cost to insurance was over £3000 as i had a like for like courtesy car for 2 weeks (mercedes diesel auto) and cost of repair was like £1800, shame i wasnt in the car as the company handling my claim said i could have claim for injury(fake) and lost of earning etc etc

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There's a lot of foaming at the mouth here... If it really was some sort of behind-the-scenes price fixing and they were making huge profits, do you not think someone would come along, undercut them by a bit and corner the market?


If you want to blame anyone, blame the compensation culture, the economic climate for "encouraging" uninsured and untaxed drivers, and a few other shady practices (eg I was just reading about insurance companies earning referral fees from ambulance-chasing lawyers).

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i was nearly conned by swinton insurance, to beat another broker they offered a higher quote but with cash back to beat the other companies price...I almost fell for it but next year the figure they work from would then be higher as the cash back wouldn't show just the top figure

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According to the newspapers the increase is all to do with the massive increase in alleged whiplash injuries caused when a vehicles runs into the rear of your car . Plus the accident management companies that provide a hire car whilst yours is being repaired and then charge the insurers the earth . I seem to recall seeing on TV a team of Asians that were deliberately causing cars to run into the back of them and then claiming that all the passengers received whip lash injuries even when there were no passengers . I'm not stereotyping but be wary if you run into a car driven by an Asian particularly if he [ and it was always a he ] slammed the brakes on to ensure you hit him . One somewhat drastic way to reduce your car insurance premiums would be to move from Sheffield .

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Check this out. My grandson qualifies as a gas engineer in March and has to go self employed to stay with his current sponsor so he's going to need a van. The quotes he's had so far are between £8000 and £11000 pa. YES THAT'S RIGHT - THOUSANDS. Is he supposed to just sit on his backside and not work because he can't afford the insurance for a van so he can carry on with his trade.


I suggest we all write to our MPs in protest of such high premiums.

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There's a lot of foaming at the mouth here... If it really was some sort of behind-the-scenes price fixing and they were making huge profits, do you not think someone would come along, undercut them by a bit and corner the market?


If you want to blame anyone, blame the compensation culture, the economic climate for "encouraging" uninsured and untaxed drivers, and a few other shady practices (eg I was just reading about insurance companies earning referral fees from ambulance-chasing lawyers).


You’ve got it ……… my wives and my insurance have hardly changed but yet we keep hearing all these horror stories.

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Quite obviously there isn't a monopoly, given that he has had 2 quotes...


I misued the term 'monopoly', but it is a joke. The banks/insurance currency are given a license to force people to pay them money. The state will chase down those whom don't pay, and they will be persecuted by the state on behalf of those whom sell insurance.


It it robbery of the people and it is a disgrace. Insurance should be through the state and the price controlled, people processing the insurance should not be paid no more than any other state administrative employee. There is no need for costs to be so high. Some of the people profiting out of this racket should be run over or shot.

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Check this out. My grandson qualifies as a gas engineer in March and has to go self employed to stay with his current sponsor so he's going to need a van. The quotes he's had so far are between £8000 and £11000 pa. YES THAT'S RIGHT - THOUSANDS. Is he supposed to just sit on his backside and not work because he can't afford the insurance for a van so he can carry on with his trade.


I suggest we all write to our MPs in protest of such high premiums.


Yes you should, the youth are being priced out of working due to these corrupt rackets, which are enforced by the state.


And your grandson should sign on and claim as much as possible from the state, he should work cash in hand until the situation is remedied it is the state's corruption that has priced your grandson out of work.

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Read between the lines. The Tory press is blaming the 'compensation' culture for your rising insurance premiums. Has there suddenly last year been a hundred percent increase in whiplash claims to warrant such a rise? Of course there hasn't!


Do the Tories want to get their new 'anti-compensation' legislation through, so their big business friends will be in the clover, as your rights to sue businesses are taken from you? Of course they do. Heaven forbid the poor get a few quid off big businesses when they are perfectly entitled, the Tories don't want that.

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