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Unfair,Unrealistic Insurance prices!!


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Read between the lines. The Tory press is blaming the 'compensation' culture for your rising insurance premiums. Has there suddenly last year been a hundred percent increase in whiplash claims to warrant such a rise? Of course there hasn't!


What about all the crashes during the bad snows of this year and last? Snows which hadn't plagued Britain for years and many drivers were simply inexperienced to cope or have the sense to stay at home.


Someone ran in to the back of me during the snow. It was a clear cut case of him being at fault but his insurers dragged their heels to avoid paying, resulting in me having to take on a solicitor to get the money and sort out a hire car for the duration. In the end they paid out, but they also had to pay the solicitors fees as well.


But you can bet they won't absorb the cost for their incompetence - you will - especially if you're with Churchill.

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Insurance companies are granted a monopoly by the state, it is a disgrace.






1. The exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade in a commodity or service.


Your statement doesn't make sense, how can a plurality of companies be granted a monopoly. It's a contradiction in terms.

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There's a lot of foaming at the mouth here... If it really was some sort of behind-the-scenes price fixing and they were making huge profits, do you not think someone would come along, undercut them by a bit and corner the market?


Haven't the OFT just announced an investigation into the market to see if there is any price fixing?

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No, not really, since there is no state run insurance company.


At best it's an oligopoly, but I don't think it meets that criteria either, so in reality you're just saying that some price fixing takes place, which might be true, the OFT are investigating to check.

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A friend of mine (who is black) recently had his insurance premiums hiked, and the reason was ????? crime had gone up in the area


IT is true that crime such as number plates getting pinched, windows smashed has altered the crime stats, and pushed up the insurance premuims in that area.


One of the neightbours is trying to more to an S6 postcode because what he saves on insurance, he can put that money to a a better home. This particular person is chinese - although I don't want to bring race into the debate on this thread.

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