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Leaving Tea In The Bottom Of The Cup

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What about people who ask you to make them a drink...? They all have their little ways of doing it.


My OH, being naturally full of contempt for me simply holds up her cup and waves it at me, sometimes tapping it with a fingernail to get my attention if Im not looking. She doesnt say a word, just holds up that damn cup and tap tap tap taptaptaptap until I move my arris.


Well I have been known to give the same silent treatment, however as I take my tea weak, black and no sugar, he really is in trouble if I can't see the bottom of the mug or he has stirred mine after he has used the same spoon to put sugar in his, I can taste the sweetness and it is vile :gag:

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I wonder if readers of tea leaves still buy the old fashioned kind...? With the tea strainer and stuff....? OR do they tear the tea bag open and sprinkle it into the cup.... Cant remember the last time I saw a tea strainer being sold anywhere!


That reminded me of my Dad, he used to say tea-bags didn't taste the same. So he used to rip the bag open and mash it in his pint pot, there used to be tea leaves floating on the top. When I told him how could he drink it, he replied oh I just chew on them a bit before I swallow them. He also used to say it'll put hairs on your chest, which is funny really because he only had about 6 on his. :hihi:

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