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What is a moderate muslim?

Is it possible to be 'Moderate' and 'Muslim'?  

38 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it possible to be 'Moderate' and 'Muslim'?

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danot, Do i believe Jesus was the son of God? No idea:| Ill ponder that one till I ffind out. Do I try to live my life according to the Sermon on the mount? Yes, but fail most days. ISLAM HAS NO SERMON ON THE MOUNT. It's like the Old testiment but taken litrally. This is why I cannot see how one can be moderate and Muslim. Maybe one could be moderate within Islam, within a none islamic nation? However the reason for that would only be due to lack of power and control. IMHO.


Long long ago during my schooling days, whilst attending my RE classes, I would sit reading my pocket sized New Testament always paying particular attention to the parables of Jesus. Some things I read have stayed with me to this day. As I say, I'm not at all religious so I won't attempt to recite it word for word, but they read something like- "The hypocrites, they wail outside of their synagogues, not in praise of me, but only to impress man.


Another one went something like- "Do not hoard what thieves will steal, moths will eat, and rust will destroy, instead, devote your time to me and you will receive your true treasures in heaven".


And my personal favourate- "They praise me with their lips but their hearts are far from me".


I Must have been around 12 year old at the time, 30 years have passed since then, yet even then I was of the opinion that those few passages perfectly sum up the so called faith of most religious folk.

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Mr Plop quit with the cowardice, admit that you are opposed to our Nation being flooded with foreigners, foreigners with disparate and competing interests and then you can drop the dead end theological debates.


How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Is the number dependent on the brand of angels ? :hihi:

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danot, Do i believe Jesus was the son of God? No idea:| Ill ponder that one till I ffind out. Do I try to live my life according to the Sermon on the mount? Yes, but fail most days. ISLAM HAS NO SERMON ON THE MOUNT. It's like the Old testiment but taken litrally. This is why I cannot see how one can be moderate and Muslim. Maybe one could be moderate within Islam, within a none islamic nation? However the reason for that would only be due to lack of power and control. IMHO.


The son of God? Well there's never been any evidence of the existence of a god and so it can't have a son. As for the Old/New Testament split, have a look at some of the miracles supposed to have taken place in the latter. They include raising the dead and calming storms;




If you believe them then happy fantasies.


You literally can't spell literally and as such a committed Christian you should be able to spell testament. Didn't god teach you anything?

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The son of God? Well there's never been any evidence of the existence of a god and so it can't have a son. As for the Old/New Testament split, have a look at some of the miracles supposed to have taken place in the latter. They include raising the dead and calming storms;




If you believe them then happy fantasies.


You literally can't spell literally and as such a committed Christian you should be able to spell testament. Didn't god teach you anything?


There is no evidence of Lord Lucan's existence after he did a bunk is that proof that he had no more children ?


Must do better 1/10

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The son of God? Well there's never been any evidence of the existence of a god and so it can't have a son. As for the Old/New Testament split, have a look at some of the miracles supposed to have taken place in the latter. They include raising the dead and calming storms;




If you believe them then happy fantasies.


You literally can't spell literally and as such a committed Christian you should be able to spell testament. Didn't god teach you anything?


My spelling is bad, but my point is clear, Im also still waiting for soeone to tell me that the Koran is not taught literally'cheers LeMaquis' of course ill require a valid link.


Until then ill have to maintain that its not possible to be a MODERATEand a MUSLIM

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Long long ago during my schooling days, whilst attending my RE classes, I would sit reading my pocket sized New Testament always paying particular attention to the parables of Jesus. Some things I read have stayed with me to this day. As I say, I'm not at all religious so I won't attempt to recite it word for word, but they read something like- "The hypocrites, they wail outside of their synagogues, not in praise of me, but only to impress man.


Another one went something like- "Do not hoard what thieves will steal, moths will eat, and rust will destroy, instead, devote your time to me and you will receive your true treasures in heaven".


And my personal favourate- "They praise me with their lips but their hearts are far from me".


I Must have been around 12 year old at the time, 30 years have passed since then, yet even then I was of the opinion that those few passages perfectly sum up the so called faith of most religious folk.


Good stuff. Jesus was, given the time he lived a real radical. Turn the other cheek in a time of an eye for an eye. Well a life for an eye.

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Libya is about to become a land of moderate muslims, whatever that is http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-14894264. Well, we'll see won't we?


Not a chance in hell.


whats moderate about Sharia?


New leader


But he also warned against secularism, envisaging a state "where sharia [islamic law] is the main source for legislation".

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Libya is about to become a land of moderate muslims, whatever that is http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-14894264. Well, we'll see won't we?


Heard it on the radio this morning. Said they were going to be a country of moderate Islam, then in the next sentance it said their main source of laws, legislation etc will be the Sharia. Forked tongues again.

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