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Oh Dear George Osborne

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Aye, a good post. Most of the buggers are in it for what they can get out of it, or indeed what they can "fiddle" out of the system. The last couple of years has proved that beyond all doubt.





I would say most of the population working or not are" in it" for what they can get out of it,and indeed a large proportion of those are "fiddling" the system...................Oh! the hypocracy! enough to make you want to snort coke!
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Yes, the lies Blair told to obtain support wouuld not, if history can be relied on, be told to the Houses of Parliament by any past PM.


Therefore I do belive that had a Tory PM been in power we would not have joined the Americans in this war crime.

So the Conservatives would have kept us out of Iraq and Afghanistan had they been in power?
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Yes, the lies Blair told to obtain support wouuld not, if history can be relied on, be told to the Houses of Parliament by any past PM.


Therefore I do belive that had a Tory PM been in power we would not have joined the Americans in this war crime.


You're wrong.

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Blair was a passenger, and his lies were purely for domestic assaugement. The UK was committed to follow the US regardless. George Galloway could have been PM and the UK would still have been part of the invasion and subsequent occupation.


Can't find a way of picking a hole in that.

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According to Natalie Rowe Osborne's "safe word" during kinky paid sex and cocaine sessions (in case they got out of hand) was "Louise". I bet Dennis Skinner is the first Labour MP to shout "Louise" at Osborne in the commons this afternoon.






Pot , Kettle :roll::roll:

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For a minute i thought you were talking about Gordon Clown there ,description sums him up perfectly .:)



Just a minute, I'm not having that. What about Bliar, Mandelson and Campbell they all fit the bill. Bliar a proven twister of the truth, Mandelson, well there is something queer about him, but I can't just put my finger on it, and Campbell, self confessed boozer who had a breakdown - related to his boozing.





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