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Hate crimes against disabled rise. We're not that civillised really are we?

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Above are 3 links. One is regarding Wales and the rise in hate crimes against disabled people. One of them is regarding the brutal murder of Gemma Hayter. Alos one of them is regarding how hate crimes have fallen but the ones for transgender and disabled persons have risen.


Is there something wrong with this country or is it me? Are people just getting more depraved and desperate for a rush that they will go for the easiest of targets.


How come we make so much fuss about protecting the vulnerable in society and how much more civilised we are compared to other nations yet we're really letting the disabled down.


There was recently a case of a mother killing herself and her disabled daughter because of the harassment from her neighbours.


I've seen on here before where people have a pop at owners of disabled badges because, "They don't need them".


What's causing it? Is it what the poor do for entertainment now? Do the under-class see it as a sport? Is it just the under-class (I can only go on the events I see on the news and it does seem to be a certain type of person?


Is it media? I watched X-Factor the other day and that seems to relish taking the mickey out of people who may be slightly "special".


I don’t know what it is but for the first time in my life today I really had to question what type of society we are. Especially when you consider how much we seemingly don't punish bad behaviour. I heard two thieving politicians were released early today.


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Above are 3 links. One is regarding Wales and the rise in hate crimes against disabled people. One of them is regarding the brutal murder of Gemma Hayter. Alos one of them is regarding how hate crimes have fallen but the ones for transgender and disabled persons have risen.


Is there something wrong with this country or is it me? Are people just getting more depraved and desperate for a rush that they will go for the easiest of targets.


How come we make so much fuss about protecting the vulnerable in society and how much more civilised yet we're really letting the disabled down.


There was recently a case of a mother killing herself and her disabled daughter because of the harassment from her neighbours.


I've seen on here before where people have a pop at owners of disabled badges because , "They don't need them".


What's causing it? Is it what the poor do for entertainment now? Do the under-class see it as a sport? Is it just the under-class (I can only go on the events I see on the news and it does seem to be a certain type of person?


Is it media? I watched X-Factor the other day and that seems to relish taking the mickey out of people who may be "slightly special".


I don’t know what it is but for the first time in my life today I really had to question what type of society we are. Especially when you consider how much we seemingly don't punish bad behaviour. I heard two thieving politicians were released early today.



Scum, the lot of them! :rant:


They should lock them up and throw the key away, people who attack the disabled are scum and should be treated as such! :rant:


And that includes all the Daily Mail readers on here IMO! We cannot help the fact we do not work for money, it is NOT our fault the current system will not let us work!

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Scum, the lot of them! :rant:


They should lock them up and throw the key away, people who attack the disabled are scum and should be treated as such! :rant:


And that includes all the Daily Mail readers on here IMO! We cannot help the fact we do not work for money, it is NOT our fault the current system will not let us work!


It does let you work. You keep telling us about refusing to work because you prefer to be on benefits.


Working or not working doesn't seem to make a difference. I was listening to examples from victims on the radio today and it seems any disability is fair game. So long as it's the type that makes the person vulnerable of course.

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It does let you work. You keep telling us about refusing to work because you prefer to be on benefits.


Wrong, if I could get a job that would let me earn full minimum wage on part time hours, I would willingly accept a CUT in my benefits to enable this.


But with the current plans of the likes of George Osborne, this will not be possible.


And no, I am NOT workshy, I have done voluntary work for over 20 years, not my fault some idiot from Remploy in 2007 accused me of lying about every word of it.

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"Hate crime,2 whether it's against the "disabled" or against an able bodied man/woman/child, the crime must carry additional punishment.


to be attacked because of your race/colour/creed/sexual orientation/ability/disability/etc/etc/etc, just stinks and these vile, dog mess attackers must be taught a lesson.


We are all for a sceond chance/etc, but depending oon the severity of the crime.


Hate crime is very sick and can all be potentila victims of this.

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Wrong, if I could get a job that would let me earn full minimum wage on part time hours, I would willingly accept a CUT in my benefits to enable this.


But with the current plans of the likes of George Osborne, this will not be possible.


And no, I am NOT workshy, I have done voluntary work for over 20 years, not my fault some idiot from Remploy in 2007 accused me of lying about every word of it.


The system is set-up to make working a possibility for the disabled. That is enshrined in law. The trouble is the employers, especially big ones will only have disabled people if absolutely necessary and in the case of some large employers, I have personally witnessed a manager of a local supermarket asking an employment agency specifically for disabled people for temporary work as he needs to make the numbers up. This happened whilst I was living in Harlow.

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Working or not working doesn't seem to make a difference. I was listening to examples from victims on the radio today and it seems any disability is fair game. So long as it's the type that makes the person vulnerable of course.


So far as your OP goes, I agree with you. It's Rich who has posted so many times about not wanting to take a job because he gets more money by claiming benefits.


My wife is disabled; we have a blue badge. But hers is a highly visible disability; people see her walking around on crutches and don't question that she should have it. So far, we've been lucky enough to avoid the sort of idiots that would think it's funny to kick her crutches away and watch her fall over.

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