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Hate crimes against disabled rise. We're not that civillised really are we?

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Also, I object to the term "special" when describing disabled people, I almost fell out with my Parents back in the late 80s for sending me to a "special" School, especially when the School was in S8 (Norton) and we lived in S6 (Walkley).

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Also, I object to the term "special" when describing disabled people


Every term that's ever been used to describe disabled people has been co-opted as a term of insult by the small minded. I still refer to my wife as a cripple, since it is semantically accurate. I don't care that it's considered an old-fashioned and politically incorrect term. After all, changing it to "spastic" achieved nothing other than to make the term "spastic" an insult; and abolishing that and changing it to "disabled" still achieved nothing, and changing disabled to "differently abled" hasn't helped either. We may as well have never bothered.

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Every term that's ever been used to describe disabled people has been co-opted as a term of insult by the small minded. I still refer to my wife as a cripple, since it is semantically accurate. I don't care that it's considered an old-fashioned and politically incorrect term. After all, changing it to "spastic" achieved nothing other than to make the term "spastic" an insult; and abolishing that and changing it to "disabled" still achieved nothing, and changing disabled to "differently abled" hasn't helped either. We may as well have never bothered.


Do you think the name changing done "on behalf" of disabled people could be a factor? Perhaps the people who commit these crimes do so because they see disabled people getting something from the state that they're not. I have known people begrudge a disabled person help as they feel they should be equally entitled. The person in my example is like that with the disabled, immigrants and anyone else who gets what she doesn't. Funnily enough she's never done a day's work and quickly embraces any potential illness she may have.

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Good point H/north.


Terminology comes and go - in the usa they still refer to the diavbled as 'cripple.'


we recall a friend telling us once how she caved into depression and and lost work/eyc and went on to "Invalidity benefits." She recalls the IN-VALID - gave her a kick up the rear and pulled herself out of the desperate cycle - but use of lange changes and what was acceptable years ago is not now.

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I honestly don't know what the factors are. Sometimes I think we've advanced a long way, but then I see a trailer for a show like "Embarassing Bodies." It may pretend to be an informative health documentary, but it's fairly obvious that what it really is, is the modern version of a Victorian freak show.


"Come and see the man with a huge ugly growth where his mouth should be! Isn't it disgusting! Roll up, roll up!"

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We live under a government that is trying to stigmatise people that claim benefits and/or live in social housing etc. People are falling for the hype, they are looking for someone to blame for their own shortcomings e.g. foreigners, unemployed, disabled, gays, you name it.

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We live under a government that is trying to stigmatise people that claim benefits and/or live in social housing etc. People are falling for the hype, they are looking for someone to blame for their own shortcomings e.g. foreigners, unemployed, disabled, gays, you name it.
i wonder who these people are ?
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Scum, the lot of them! :rant:


They should lock them up and throw the key away, people who attack the disabled are scum and should be treated as such! :rant:


And that includes all the Daily Mail readers on here IMO! We cannot help the fact we do not work for money, it is NOT our fault the current system will not let us work!


You're suggesting Daily Mail readers are responsible for attacking disabled people? What an astonishingly idiotic thing to say!

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Scum, the lot of them! :rant:


They should lock them up and throw the key away, people who attack the disabled are scum and should be treated as such! :rant:


And that includes all the Daily Mail readers on here IMO! We cannot help the fact we do not work for money, it is NOT our fault the current system will not let us work!


The current system will let you work fine, provided you choose that path instead of subsiding on benefits.

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Wrong, if I could get a job that would let me earn full minimum wage on part time hours, I would willingly accept a CUT in my benefits to enable this.


But with the current plans of the likes of George Osborne, this will not be possible.


And no, I am NOT workshy, I have done voluntary work for over 20 years, not my fault some idiot from Remploy in 2007 accused me of lying about every word of it.


You can work, part time or full time, it would be illegal to pay you less than minimum wage!


How your benefits are removed as you earn is a different thing entirely and it effects everyone on benefits, it is known as the 'benefit trap'.


You work x hours your earn x hours*minimum wage, your benefits are withdrawn at the applicable rate, and tax and national insurance are levied upon your wage when the thresholds are reached, the cumlative rate will vary from 0%-117% (The EMTR).

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