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Sky- anyone else having problems cancelling a package?

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I've been with Sky since December, with minimal problems, until 2 months ago, I got an offer for 2 months of free movies.


I had to give a 31 day notice period of cancellation, or would continue to be charged after my 2 months (which ended yesterday). I called on August 12th to do so.


My bill was due on August 20th, and was paid in part before that, and in full on August 21st (by card online)


Anyhow, my movies pack is still active today, and my current bill is £75 (rather than £42)


Just rang them up to be told that as my bill was paid late, my movies cancellation had been reset, and they need another 31 days notice, which means I have to pay it from today, up to 14th October, and I've also been charged for it last month, as because my bill was one day late being paid (there was £5 owing on it after the 20th) my movies offer had been cancelled out, and I have to pay for the 2 months I had free :loopy:


There is nothing they can do, nothing the manager can do. They can see I did in fact cancel it on the 12th of August, but inisist that as I didn't cancel it again, they can't take it off until next month. Idiots - Anyone else have similar difficulties?

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Sky have been good with me,

On the one occasion i was dicked around i complained to a manager who escalated it to anothjer department.

Cutting a long story short im now enjoying 6 months free line rental and BB and got avery sincere apology from a nice chap in complaints.

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i have been having some issues with sky too! i phoned to ask about multi room, i specifically asked if you could watch the things recorded on the downstairs box on the upstairs one and the sales woman said yes. so i agree and they come out and install it i then find out that it isn't true so i phone them and tell them there sales person lied to me they then tell me the only thing they can do is charge me £109 for a new box and installation but i was gonna get the installation fee of £60 put straight back into my account he even said it would be instantly, after 3 hours on the phone id had enough and agreed so i pay and then later on I'm shopping and my card wont go through! that's right they didn't put that money back in! i phoned them again and they said it would take a few days for it to go through but low and behold it hasn't even been requested to be put back through!! so now i have to wait for them to listen to the tapes and then get to back to me with a solution.


so yes they are totally imcompetent morons who also lie to customers to make sales

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I know a refund to a card can take a few days to go through, but if it wasn't even requested! Gets me as well, every time I speak to them, they know I'm paying for the phone call (only free to CS after 7pm) and they feel the need to go through my bill with me in detail before I hang up, just spouting off everything that I can see online myself. I've had to tell them a few times I don't want them to go over it. They even try it when I've not rung up for anything to do with the bill!

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