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Incident in Hillsborough 13/9/11


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I saw an awful dog attack in Hillsborough today. I came out of Superdrug and there was a big black pitbull type with its jaws locked around the face of another biggish dog (similar type but brown & white). The brown dogs owner & several other people were screaming and trying to seperate them but the black dog seemed to have locked its jaw. The black dogs owner, who had its lead around his neck, just stood there. They eventually got seperated and the black dog owner just put it back on his lead & sauntered off shouting abuse.


It was awful to see & the poor brown dog looked in a terrible state, there was blood everywhere. I can't stop thinking about it now - poor thing. Does anyone the owners & is the dog is going to be okay?


The other reason for posting is please be on the lookout for the other dog & its cretin of an owner & give them a wide berth. The dog was a biggish black pittbull type of dog (am not being critical of the breed just trying to give a description). The owner was late twenties, scruffily dressed & what my husband would describe as a scroat. he walked off in the direction of the park & I shudder to think what will happen if this dog gets hold of a child or a smaller dog. If he had it unleashed in a busy shopping area then anything could happen.

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We went in the hair dressers across the road not long after this happened. The dog that was attacked was a big dog but it was old. A passer by took the injured animal to the vets with its owners. Appearently the dog that was attacked has been attacked before also in Hillsborough.

The dog has facial injuries nose, mouth area and also its ear.

The black Staffy that attack him is always in Hillsborough area and usually off its lead. Our hair dresser told us that the owner of the staffy was punching the dog after the attack.

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It does sound like the dogs in the two threads could be the same to me. I think the police should be involved as there is obviously someone walking around with a clearly dangerous dog/s around Hillsborough.



Deja vu?




And surprise surprise, it's a staffy as usual. I'm sure the usual apologists will be along soon with the same old "blame the owner not the breed" drivel.



surprise surprise...Someone mentions a staffie and you spring out of your 2 month sabbatical (you know, the last time you made yourself look a fool), to do all you can to drag the breed into the gutter.

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surprise surprise...Someone mentions a staffie and you spring out of your 2 month sabbatical (you know, the last time you made yourself look a fool), to do all you can to drag the breed into the gutter.


Drag the breed into the gutter? I think the breed and their owners manage that by themselves. How many other breeds of dogs have such bad reputations? And how many other breeds tend to be owned by brainless chavs to the extent staffies are?

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I thought about ringing the police but the owner of the black dog was long gone so there wasn't much they could have done. I think I will ring 101 though & ask if the PCO's can keep a lookout for the man if he is a regular in the area. If the dog had attacked a child like that I dread to think what would happen.

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I thought about ringing the police but the owner of the black dog was long gone so there wasn't much they could have done. I think I will ring 101 though & ask if the PCO's can keep a lookout for the man if he is a regular in the area. If the dog had attacked a child like that I dread to think what would happen.


We know that the injured dog owner went to a vet's practice - I'm sure that we could find out which one.


We also have someone in a nearby hairdresser's who can visually identify the owner.


As you saw what happened, I'd report it.

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i know a staffie he can be hard work but with kids he the best dog i know. he fights with me and bits me but only when we are playin he loves other dogs and if the kids try and play with him the way i do he will not play and my kids are 5 and 6 its my mates dog there are some people out there that dont look after or beat there dog they are the dogs that attack

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