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Incident in Hillsborough 13/9/11


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In this case I would blame both the dog and the owner, but even if a staffy is well cared for it can still snap and savage another dog or even a child at any time.


Every time we read about one of these attacks it's the same breed. It can't be a coincidence.


I understand what you are saying,but the coincidence is the fact that staffys are now the chav accessory who make these dogs attack to make them feel like the tough guy. A well kept staffy would not attack.

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In this case I would blame both the dog and the owner, but even if a staffy is well cared for it can still snap and savage another dog or even a child at any time.


Every time we read about one of these attacks it's the same breed. It can't be a coincidence.


Any well cared for dog can snap and savage another dog or child. Your ignorance knows no bounds does it.


You don't read much do you rickie? I don't know the numbers but there are a lot more staffie type dogs in this country than any other breed at the moment. If you apply the law of averages then it is no wonder there seems to be more attacks committed by staffie type dogs. There is no evidence whatsoever to say that a staffie is more prone to attacking than another type of dog.

I would quote what the kennel club says about them for you (again), but i know you would simply ignore it (again).

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Every time we read about one of these attacks it's the same breed. It can't be a coincidence.


Actually, not too long ago it was a Labrador that 'savaged' a toddler.

So in that case, no - it is not always the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.


Surprisingly no one was crying out for all Labradors to be damned though.


That Labrador incident is a perfect example of circumstances and owners, not breed.





And actually, toy breeds (chi's and S/Tzu's) statistically cause more damage and 'attack' more than Staffies.

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We went in the hair dressers across the road not long after this happened. The dog that was attacked was a big dog but it was old. A passer by took the injured animal to the vets with its owners. Appearently the dog that was attacked has been attacked before also in Hillsborough.

The dog has facial injuries nose, mouth area and also its ear.

The black Staffy that attack him is always in Hillsborough area and usually off its lead. Our hair dresser told us that the owner of the staffy was punching the dog after the attack.


That's awful has anybody contacted the police do you know? Someone should do, they can't do anything if they don't know.


Not only is there a dangerous dog around this dog is clearly being mistreated, whoever the cretin is who owns him should be picked up and have his nuts chopped off in my opinion.

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In this case I would blame both the dog and the owner, but even if a staffy is well cared for it can still snap and savage another dog or even a child at any time.


Every time we read about one of these attacks it's the same breed. It can't be a coincidence.


The OP describes a big black pit bull type dog and you automatically go in to a staffy bashing session. You do realise that pit bulls aren't staffies don't you? Any dog has the potential if not handled properly to snap and attack another dog or a person, and if you looked at dog attacks with any objectivity and not just with your staffy hating glasses on you would see many different breeds have done so.

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The OP describes a big black pit bull type dog and you automatically go in to a staffy bashing session. You do realise that pit bulls aren't staffies don't you? Any dog has the potential if not handled properly to snap and attack another dog or a person, and if you looked at dog attacks with any objectivity and not just with your staffy hating glasses on you would see many different breeds have done so.


The OP probably doesn't know the difference between a pitbull and a staffy. The fact is, it doesn't really matter. They both have the same aggressive characteristics towards other dogs. That's what they were bred for!

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on radio jermery vine,s show he had a dog story it was the case that was a faithful pet every since it was a pup. never mistreated, always a happy well balanced dog, slept with the owners children, then one day it was out with its owner, not on a lead because they never had any trouble with it what so ever. then they came to a little ****zu puppy. that was with its owner being walked in the park on a lead. this dog just snapped, launched at the puppy, ripped it to shreds, wouldn't let go, even when people jumped in to free its jaws, after the dog went limp it released its jaws then launched an attack on a baby in a pram. the mother had numerous bite marks when she defended her baby, two minutes after this attack the aggressive dog. just as suddenly changed back into the docile loving pet that it had always been. its owner was totally stunned. they couldn't believe that this pet of theirs was capably of such an attack. needless to say they had it destroyed shortly afterwards. it just shows, ALL DOGS are dangerous. regardless of bred or temperament

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dogs are not entirely what the owners make them - they are what is in their breeding! We have a Westie that is never off the lead and therefore has never met a rodent (unless I have yet to meet visitors to our house) yet give her a small ball and she throws it away from her and claws it back to her as a cat does with a mouse.

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