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Incident in Hillsborough 13/9/11


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As expected the same old staffy-owning chavs have hijacked this thread with the same old nonsense.


A few home truths for you.


While the way they are treated by the owner may be a factor, it's a fact that some breeds are more inherently aggressive than others. It's not the dog's fault, when a staffy attacks it's only following its natural instincts. Imagine if in the incident reported in the OP's post, the owner had set a labrador (for example) on the other dog, would the labrador really have savaged the other dog in the manner described? Of course not, a labrador would probably just sniff the other dog's backside then wander off. So it obviously IS the breed that's at fault.


Also how many stories do you read of staffies that were well-treated family pets then suddenly for no reason they suddenly snapped and savaged a family member? This again disproves the myth that how the dog is treated determines whether it becomes aggressive and violent to other dogs or people.


You can't blame the nasty media for demonsing the staffy either. This thread like many others about staffys, is simply a member of the public reporting what they saw. There must be loads of similar attacks that go unreported simply because it's so common.


The "nanny dog" story is also a myth put about by the pro-staffy lobby. See the link below for the proof.





The question that puzzles me is in view of all this. why anyone would want to own a staffy?


Despite what you might think, I like dogs. They bring a lot of love and happiness to people, whether as part as a family or as a faithful companion to a lonely old person.


There are plenty of other dog breeds with a gentle temperament that are loving companions, so why pick the most violent breed of the lot? I can only assume that staffy owners are mainly inadequate people who want to look "hard" and get a kick out of frightening other dogs, children and adults.

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just want to point out that staffies are not pitbulls so the blog you linked is irrelevant even though it has a pic of a staffy on!! lol

as for calling staffy owners chavs and people who want to look hard and intimidate people that is obviously how you percieve it,this kind of debate could go on forever. i think we all agree its down to the dogs upbring, but like us a dog can have its off day, do we then get classed as a dangerous breed??? lol maybe some owners need putting down aswell as the dog.

Narrow minded people making comments about dog owners wanting to look hard and branding them chavs are the kind of people that to me cause problems in the society by making stupid comments .

I agree you do see a lot of cross breeding with staffies so obviously there is more of them about but just like any dog, all cross breeding like labradoodle, ****zipoo and whatever else they throw together, you will always hear about dog attacks its unfair just to attack the staffy!!!

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As my first point made, there are more staffies and staffy crosses about, so unfortunately the odds are that there will be more attacks by them. That doesn't mean that the ratio of staffies attacking, against how many there are, will be higher than that of any other breed though.


Is it true that there are more of them about? I'm not saying it isn't, it's just not my experience.

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As expected the same old staffy-owning chavs have hijacked this thread with the same old nonsense.


A few home truths for you.


While the way they are treated by the owner may be a factor, it's a fact that some breeds are more inherently aggressive than others. It's not the dog's fault, when a staffy attacks it's only following its natural instincts. Imagine if in the incident reported in the OP's post, the owner had set a labrador (for example) on the other dog, would the labrador really have savaged the other dog in the manner described? Of course not, a labrador would probably just sniff the other dog's backside then wander off. So it obviously IS the breed that's at fault.


Also how many stories do you read of staffies that were well-treated family pets then suddenly for no reason they suddenly snapped and savaged a family member? This again disproves the myth that how the dog is treated determines whether it becomes aggressive and violent to other dogs or people.


You can't blame the nasty media for demonsing the staffy either. This thread like many others about staffys, is simply a member of the public reporting what they saw. There must be loads of similar attacks that go unreported simply because it's so common.


The "nanny dog" story is also a myth put about by the pro-staffy lobby. See the link below for the proof.





The question that puzzles me is in view of all this. why anyone would want to own a staffy?


Despite what you might think, I like dogs. They bring a lot of love and happiness to people, whether as part as a family or as a faithful companion to a lonely old person.


There are plenty of other dog breeds with a gentle temperament that are loving companions, so why pick the most violent breed of the lot? I can only assume that staffy owners are mainly inadequate people who want to look "hard" and get a kick out of frightening other dogs, children and adults.


Oh dear, thread not going how you thought eh when you jumped in straight away, What are you trying now, to get everyone agreeing that staffies are owned by Chavs, all chavs are bad so by implication all staffies must be. Name calling and stereotyping are the last bastion of someone with no other sensible argument to counter an opposing view to theirs, I can almost imagine you at home banging the table and pointing and shouting at the screen that you are right. The link you posted thetruthaboutpitbulls.blogspot.com refers once again to pitbulls then jumps all over referring to american pit bulls, pit bulls, staffies and bull terriers which I assume refers to English Bull Terriers. These dogs are not all the same and the site refers to PIT BULL ATTACKS,then goes into great detail about Buuls Eye in Oliver Twist (you are aware that this is a fictional dog aren't you and wasn't a staffie) to prove a point.

Any dog allowed to attack another dog is wrong, but as many have stated it could be any breed, and there are many capable of doing as much damage if not more than staffies, what don't you get about that.

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The link you posted thetruthaboutpitbulls.blogspot.com refers once again to pitbulls then jumps all over referring to american pit bulls, pit bulls, staffies and bull terriers which I assume refers to English Bull Terriers. These dogs are not all the same and the site refers to PIT BULL ATTACKS....


Sorry, that was another myth I forgot to mention, the one that staffys and pit bulls are diffrent types of dog.


A staffy is a type of pit bull. Here's an explanation from a pro-staffy site if you don't believe me.


"I adopted a dog at the shelter and was told that he is a Staffordshire Terrier. Is a Staffordshire Terrier the same as a Pit Bull?


First, it is important to know that Staffordshire Terrier and “pit bull” are not official breeds. They are common terms used to describe a certain type of dog. There are actually three breeds that can be easily confused. The correct designations are:


■American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) - recognized by the ADBA and UKC

■American Staffordshire Terrier (AST) - recognized by the AKC

■Staffordshire Bull Terrier (SBT) - recognized by the AKC and UKC


They are essentially the same dogs but have been bred for different purposes and/or size standards since the mid 1930's. "


Source http://www.pbrc.net/faq.html


Do you understand now?

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I HATE THREADS LIKE THIS!!! i must say my staffy is not aggressive, shes got a great temperament, good round other dogs and animals. its down to the owner and how they bring them up and treat them. PLENTY OF AKITA ATTACKS near me and someone only a few doors from me has a very nasty german shepherd ready to take your hand off due to being ill treat and teased. staffys have been given a bad name because of their similarity to pits and the idiots that cross breed and fight them.If you look into the staffy heritage they was known as the nanny dog and was once bred to look after children!!! I agree never trust a dog 100% but it will only do what its taught to do. Small minded people just are too quick to blame the animal and not the owner!!!



This was actually an excellent post until you went and spoilt it!!


Can i ask you why you want you dog to have a litter? she sound like a lovely sociable girl, you do realise that having a litter can often change a dogs into a totally different dog? my friends girl went from being the most laid back sociable waggy girl you could ever meet, to being unreliable around both other dogs and young children :(, the stress of feeling she needed to guard her litter and then having them taken away from her was just too much for her to cope with.


I trust that both your girl and the sire have been totally health tested and are KC registered?

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yes both health checked & kc registered. both perfectly fine. both dogs have a good temperament. this will be her 2nd and final litter and its not changed her a single bit. as we before mentioned each dog is different and has its own personality irrespective of breed. Used to own a cat ( before he got killed) that was more vicious than any dog ive ever known or owned!!

Has that got owt to do with its breed ?? lol!!

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Sorry, that was another myth I forgot to mention, the one that staffys and pit bulls are diffrent types of dog.


A staffy is a type of pit bull. Here's an explanation from a pro-staffy site if you don't believe me.


"I adopted a dog at the shelter and was told that he is a Staffordshire Terrier. Is a Staffordshire Terrier the same as a Pit Bull?


First, it is important to know that Staffordshire Terrier and “pit bull” are not official breeds. They are common terms used to describe a certain type of dog. There are actually three breeds that can be easily confused. The correct designations are:


■American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) - recognized by the ADBA and UKC

■American Staffordshire Terrier (AST) - recognized by the AKC

■Staffordshire Bull Terrier (SBT) - recognized by the AKC and UKC


They are essentially the same dogs but have been bred for different purposes and/or size standards since the mid 1930's. "


Source http://www.pbrc.net/faq.html


Do you understand now?


Staffordshire Bull Terrier Pedigree Breed officially recognised by the Kennel Club (UK breed UK recognised), Pit bull not an official Pedigree Breed recognised by the Kennel Club. Therefore essentially a mongrel. Pit bull officially recognised as a dangerous dog by DEFRA, Staffordshire Bull Terriewr not listed by DEFRA as a dangerous dog. Both sites british, one a government department one the uk breed registration organisation. No need for american sites (notice you use these a lot). Now do you understand. Probably not, won't bother any more as they say if you argue with an idiot long enough they will drag you down to their level then eventually beat you with experience.

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yes both health checked & kc registered. both perfectly fine. both dogs have a good temperament. this will be her 2nd and final litter and its not changed her a single bit. as we before mentioned each dog is different and has its own personality irrespective of breed. Used to own a cat ( before he got killed) that was more vicious than any dog ive ever known or owned!!

Has that got owt to do with its breed ?? lol!!


Glad to hear it!! :)


As for the cat i have no idea lol, my Nans cats where always bloody vicious sods regardless of sex, breed, colour!! :o hey maybe it was the owner that was at fault?:rant::hihi:

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That's awful has anybody contacted the police do you know? Someone should do, they can't do anything if they don't know


complete waste of time, they dont want to know if its an attack on another animal, my partners horse was attacked by a staffy that was running loose, took the help of six people to get it off, they held it til the dog warden got there (it had simmered down by this time) only to be told it would be taken to Lincoln (it happened in Walesby) assessed and re homed......2 weeks later it was BACK in the same village !! being walked by two children, one of 7 and one of 9 ....it has been sighten running loose again, subsequently when we take to horse out now, we take protection with us.

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