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Incident in Hillsborough 13/9/11


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As expected the same old staffy-owning chavs have hijacked this thread with the same old nonsense.


A few home truths for you.


While the way they are treated by the owner may be a factor, it's a fact that some breeds are more inherently aggressive than others. It's not the dog's fault, when a staffy attacks it's only following its natural instincts. Imagine if in the incident reported in the OP's post, the owner had set a labrador (for example) on the other dog, would the labrador really have savaged the other dog in the manner described? Of course not, a labrador would probably just sniff the other dog's backside then wander off. So it obviously IS the breed that's at fault.


Also how many stories do you read of staffies that were well-treated family pets then suddenly for no reason they suddenly snapped and savaged a family member? This again disproves the myth that how the dog is treated determines whether it becomes aggressive and violent to other dogs or people.


You can't blame the nasty media for demonsing the staffy either. This thread like many others about staffys, is simply a member of the public reporting what they saw. There must be loads of similar attacks that go unreported simply because it's so common.


The "nanny dog" story is also a myth put about by the pro-staffy lobby. See the link below for the proof.





The question that puzzles me is in view of all this. why anyone would want to own a staffy?


Despite what you might think, I like dogs. They bring a lot of love and happiness to people, whether as part as a family or as a faithful companion to a lonely old person.


There are plenty of other dog breeds with a gentle temperament that are loving companions, so why pick the most violent breed of the lot? I can only assume that staffy owners are mainly inadequate people who want to look "hard" and get a kick out of frightening other dogs, children and adults.


Oh dear rickie. You have out done yourself this time. I didn't think you would be able to make yourself look any more foolish but you have :hihi:


Lets see. Where to start ripping this drivel apart?


'staffie owning chavs'... Making uneducated generalisations. Hmm. I see a pattern forming here :suspect:

This wasn't a staffy thread until you turned it in to one. The OP never mentioned a staffy. YOU made it a staffy thread.

Linking a pitbull blog to demonize the staffy breed was just childish.

Can you find any credible evidence that staffies are more vicious than any other breed of dog? I don't think so.


Sorry, that was another myth I forgot to mention, the one that staffys and pit bulls are diffrent types of dog.


A staffy is a type of pit bull. Here's an explanation from a pro-staffy site if you don't believe me.


"I adopted a dog at the shelter and was told that he is a Staffordshire Terrier. Is a Staffordshire Terrier the same as a Pit Bull?


First, it is important to know that Staffordshire Terrier and “pit bull” are not official breeds. They are common terms used to describe a certain type of dog. There are actually three breeds that can be easily confused. The correct designations are:


■American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) - recognized by the ADBA and UKC

■American Staffordshire Terrier (AST) - recognized by the AKC

Staffordshire Bull Terrier (SBT) - recognized by the AKC and UKC


They are essentially the same dogs but have been bred for different purposes and/or size standards since the mid 1930's. "


Source http://www.pbrc.net/faq.html


Do you understand now?


My underlined bold trumps your bold. Try again ;)

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As expected the same old staffy-owning chavs have hijacked this thread with the same old nonsense.


A few home truths for you.


While the way they are treated by the owner may be a factor, it's a fact that some breeds are more inherently aggressive than others. It's not the dog's fault, when a staffy attacks it's only following its natural instincts. Imagine if in the incident reported in the OP's post, the owner had set a labrador (for example) on the other dog, would the labrador really have savaged the other dog in the manner described? Of course not, a labrador would probably just sniff the other dog's backside then wander off. So it obviously IS the breed that's at fault.


Also how many stories do you read of staffies that were well-treated family pets then suddenly for no reason they suddenly snapped and savaged a family member? This again disproves the myth that how the dog is treated determines whether it becomes aggressive and violent to other dogs or people.


You can't blame the nasty media for demonsing the staffy either. This thread like many others about staffys, is simply a member of the public reporting what they saw. There must be loads of similar attacks that go unreported simply because it's so common.


The "nanny dog" story is also a myth put about by the pro-staffy lobby. See the link below for the proof.





The question that puzzles me is in view of all this. why anyone would want to own a staffy?


Despite what you might think, I like dogs. They bring a lot of love and happiness to people, whether as part as a family or as a faithful companion to a lonely old person.


There are plenty of other dog breeds with a gentle temperament that are loving companions, so why pick the most violent breed of the lot? I can only assume that staffy owners are mainly inadequate people who want to look "hard" and get a kick out of frightening other dogs, children and adults.


My bold.


Firstly, stereotyping all staffy owners as 'chavs' is incredibley narrow-minded and childish. I own a staffy (as well as a small terrier mix and 2 cats) and I am in NO WAY WHATSOEVER a chav. If you was to ask anybody who knows me, that is the last word they would ever use to describe me.


Also, did you not hear about the recent labrador attack? I'm guessing not since you seem to block out anything that isn't related to talking bad about staffies.


Seriously, I think you actually need to get out there and meet some of these dogs that you are so quick to dismiss as aggressive. I don't think you have any idea whatsoever and all you keep doing is showing what an ignorant person you are.

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Is it true that there are more of them about? I'm not saying it isn't, it's just not my experience.


To be honest I'm not sure if it is an actual fact, but it definitely appears that way. Everywhere I look lately I see some sort of staffy cross or purebreed. Plus when you look at rescue sites the majority seem to be that breed.

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Oh dear rickie. You have out done yourself this time. I didn't think you would be able to make yourself look any more foolish but you have :hihi:


Lets see. Where to start ripping this drivel apart?


'staffie owning chavs'... Making uneducated generalisations. Hmm. I see a pattern forming here :suspect:

This wasn't a staffy thread until you turned it in to one. The OP never mentioned a staffy. YOU made it a staffy thread.

Linking a pitbull blog to demonize the staffy breed was just childish.

Can you find any credible evidence that staffies are more vicious than any other breed of dog? I don't think so.




My underlined bold trumps your bold. Try again ;)


We really are going around in circles here. Just like last time there was a thread about staffy attacks, you have been presented with a set of facts but as usual you stick your head in the sand, claiming that staffies never attack people or dogs, that anyone who says they do is going off topic and when faced with an embarrassing climbdown, panic and say it wasn’t a staffy in the first place, despite the fact the OP’s description makes it pretty obvious it was. Best of all, you even disregard an authoritative website that states “…pit bull terriers and staffordshire bull terriers are essentially the same dogs but have been bred for different purposes” even though it’s a pro-stafffy website!


So as it’s obvious you will never change your mind no matter what facts are placed in front of you, I’ll leave you to your delusional fantasies so you can feel great delight in that you’ve had the last word on this thread and so must have won the argument. I’m sure that will give you a lot of pleasure.


Just before I go though, can you answer the question I posed earlier about why would anyone want to own a staffy when there are so many nicer, gentler breeds of dog which would make far more appropriate pets? Surely it can only be because owning a staffy makes you look “hard”?

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My bold.


Firstly, stereotyping all staffy owners as 'chavs' is incredibley narrow-minded and childish. I own a staffy (as well as a small terrier mix and 2 cats) and I am in NO WAY WHATSOEVER a chav. If you was to ask anybody who knows me, that is the last word they would ever use to describe me.


Except that if you asked most people how they would define a chav, they would probably say "someone who owns a staffy". If you don't want to be labelled a chav, why get a staffy?



Also, did you not hear about the recent labrador attack? I'm guessing not since you seem to block out anything that isn't related to talking bad about staffies.


The reason why a labrador attack might make the news is that its so unusual. Of course any dog can attack, but staffy attacks are so commonplace now that they're not seen as news so most go unreported.



Seriously, I think you actually need to get out there and meet some of these dogs that you are so quick to dismiss as aggressive. I don't think you have any idea whatsoever and all you keep doing is showing what an ignorant person you are.


Thanks for your concern, but I live in a rough area and work down by the markets, so I see loads of staffys and nearly all of them are being dragged around by neanderthal knuckle-draggers covered in tattoos who reek of spliffs and special brew. Is it any wonder they have the reputation they have?

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Whilst I agree with Ricky, I feel his opinion on dogs may be biased due to the fact that his forum name suggests he is actually a cat.


Anyway, I would just like to make a comment regarding the common "not all staffies are vicious, its down to how they are treated at home" argument. This may be true in most cases, however I would rather be savaged by an ill treated poodle than an ill treated staffy.

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We really are going around in circles here. Just like last time there was a thread about staffy attacks, you have been presented with a set of facts but as usual you stick your head in the sand, claiming that staffies never attack people or dogs, that anyone who says they do is going off topic and when faced with an embarrassing climbdown, panic and say it wasn’t a staffy in the first place, despite the fact the OP’s description makes it pretty obvious it was. Best of all, you even disregard an authoritative website that states “…pit bull terriers and staffordshire bull terriers are essentially the same dogs but have been bred for different purposes” even though it’s a pro-stafffy website!


So as it’s obvious you will never change your mind no matter what facts are placed in front of you, I’ll leave you to your delusional fantasies so you can feel great delight in that you’ve had the last word on this thread and so must have won the argument. I’m sure that will give you a lot of pleasure.


Just before I go though, can you answer the question I posed earlier about why would anyone want to own a staffy when there are so many nicer, gentler breeds of dog which would make far more appropriate pets? Surely it can only be because owning a staffy makes you look “hard”?


You like saying the word 'fact' but you don't come up with many, if any. Just because YOU type it, it doesn't mean it is fact :loopy:


With regards to your question. I love staffies. As far as i am concerned there isn't a nicer looking dog nor is there a more gentle dog. A staffy is the most appropriate pet for our household due to all of us loving them. I don't care what i look like and my missus and daughter certainly don't want to 'look hard'. That is why we owned a staffy for 15 years up until last Easter and that is why i will be picking up my new staffy puppy in the next week.

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Except that if you asked most people how they would define a chav, they would probably say "someone who owns a staffy". If you don't want to be labelled a chav, why get a staffy?


The reason why a labrador attack might make the news is that its so unusual. Of course any dog can attack, but staffy attacks are so commonplace now that they're not seen as news so most go unreported.


Thanks for your concern, but I live in a rough area and work down by the markets, so I see loads of staffys and nearly all of them are being dragged around by neanderthal knuckle-draggers covered in tattoos who reek of spliffs and special brew. Is it any wonder they have the reputation they have?


More delusion and falsities :roll:


Whilst I agree with Ricky, I feel his opinion on dogs may be biased due to the fact that his forum name suggests he is actually a cat.


Anyway, I would just like to make a comment regarding the common "not all staffies are vicious, its down to how they are treated at home" argument. This may be true in most cases, however I would rather be savaged by an ill treated poodle than an ill treated staffy.


I'd rather not be savaged at all thank you :)

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To be honest I'm not sure if it is an actual fact, but it definitely appears that way. Everywhere I look lately I see some sort of staffy cross or purebreed. Plus when you look at rescue sites the majority seem to be that breed.

Seperating those two statements, it could be the area in which you're observing them... I know many of the dogs (and the owners) by site in my parents village, and none of them are Staffies.


Maybe there's a reason that many of them end up in rescues though... Either the type of people the buy them, or their general temperament.

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A staffie/pitbull is like a Subaru Impreza... the MAJORITY of owners are small minded idiots who think owning a powerful car, or in this case a particular breed of dog, makes them look hard/good.


Would i choose to take in a rescue staffie or buy a second-hand subaru, no! Because there is a good chance its had a bad history. Stereotypical i know but sadly its true!

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