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Man jailed for posting insults online

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Troll alert:


A Facebook page mocking the 4 miners who have recently died is being investigated by the police.



There have been numerous complaints from members of the public about the slowness of Facebook to take down offensive sites, and remove pages that are there to bully & harrass others. Facebook itself only seem to act when, like the page mocking the dead miners, negative publicity is generated.


Anyway, I hope the culprit is suitably punished.

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Lets name names, second thoughts better not ……….. I can’t remember seeing anything on here that comes remotely close to the actions of the jailed bloke.

  1. There ARE posters on here who aim to cause offence/hurt
  2. This is a moderated forum

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Troll alert:


A Facebook page mocking the 4 miners who have recently died is being investigated by the police.



There have been numerous complaints from members of the public about the slowness of Facebook to take down offensive sites, and remove pages that are there to bully & harrass others. Facebook itself only seem to act when, like the page mocking the dead miners, negative publicity is generated.


Anyway, I hope the culprit is suitably punished.

FB won't take any notice until they're his as hard as the news of the world for hosting such material :mad:
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Thing is though, I personally don't think ANYBODY witH Asperger's would cope in Jail.. It's hard enough for, for want of a better term, "normal" people, Asperger's people usually have poor social skills (which they can't help) for a start, imagine that in t'Nick!


You raised a very good point. I do not know how he will be handled, but let us hope that the prison system does account for people with asperger's too. Whether it is as suggested by others already, like a padded cell and so forth. I am assuming here, that if there is a distinction already made between adult and children prisons, then surely there should also be some form to cater for people with disabilities too.

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Can't do the time, don't do the crime. If as you say people with A.S. find it hard to interact with other people, Ì am quite sure that there are plenty of solitary cell's where the poor unfortunate socially inept criminal could be accommodated.


You clearly did not read my post, people with Asperger's tend to have poor social skills, but they CAN'T HELP IT!, it's part of their condition.


Also, re the comment about not doing the crime if he can't do the time, I do not know the severity of the guy's AS, but it could be that he did not realise he was committing a crime as such, and yes before anyone starts, I know that's no defence, but it should still be considered IMO.

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You clearly did not read my post, people with Asperger's tend to have poor social skills, but they CAN'T HELP IT!, it's part of their condition.


Also, re the comment about not doing the crime if he can't do the time, I do not know the severity of the guy's AS, but it could be that he did not realise he was committing a crime as such, and yes before anyone starts, I know that's no defence, but it should still be considered IMO.


Why should it be considered if you openly admit its no defence??

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Lets name names, second thoughts better not ……….. I can’t remember seeing anything on here that comes remotely close to the actions of the jailed bloke.


Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it's not there; I've had some scumbag wishing cancer on my children, for example and I know of SF users who've had similarly vitriolic filth sent by PM.


The people who do this kind of thing are by their nature cowards and tend not to make their most extreme outbursts of hate public.

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Why should it be considered if you openly admit its no defence??


Because even if a guy with AS goes down for something like this, a competent lawyer could get him a lesser sentence, citing that the client could be not fully compos mentis, and not aware that he had in fact committed a crime at the time of doing so.

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Because even if a guy with AS goes down for something like this, a competent lawyer could get him a lesser sentence, citing that the client could be not fully compos mentis, and not aware that he had in fact committed a crime at the time of doing so.


Well if he or she isnt aware they have comitted a crime then surely they have no place in society?

Otherwise they have a free pass to commit any crime they like.

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Ìndeed ! Far too many criminals are playing the mental health/culpability card nowadays, a crime is a crime and if the person is suffering from asbergers or whatever disorder and they are deemed capable of committing a crime without knowing it, then it is they that should be committed, to protect the public.


The guy is NOT a danger to the public, OK he posted totally unacceptable stuff online, but that was his ONLY crime, for which he is doing the time.


I know for a FACT (I know people on here like that word) that there are THOUSANDS of people on the Autistic Spectrum currently doing time at HM's pleasure, who probably should not be.


I have no proof of this fact, so take it, and disect it as you will.

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