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And they wonder why so many people are unemployed!

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I think you've misunderstood. The amount per week will remain the same, so nobody will be struggling to survive any more than they already are.


But the Universal Credit will be a delayed monthly payment, only reaching a job seeker/benefit recipient after a period of one month. A whole two weeks later than what is currently the norm.


The amount paid will remain the same, it will just take twice as long to reach those struggling to survive!


Of course this means little to the super rich Tories/Lib Dems. To the vulnerable and disadvantaged it is potentially life threatening...

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Not only are the Tories/Lib Dems ensuring that most benefit claimants will have to wait a whole month before receiving any money, but they aim to have over 80 per cent of all new Universal Credit claims made on the Internet by 2015!


In the world of Clegg and Cameron, every unemployed person has an Internet connected computer and knows how to use it. By making the Internet the main way to claim the Universal Credit, Job Centres can be closed and thousands of workers made redundant.



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tried that, mine and my husband debt owed to the social fund has been tied together, meaning we owe more than they are allowed to borrow on, wouldnt mind that but everytime we enquire how to pay the debt, they just say we will take it out of your benefits automatically... for the past year they havent took a cent! even though i phone them to tell them ever other week!


When you noticed they weren't subtracting money from your benefits, didn't you think of putting a percentage aside (afterall you were expecting it to be taken anyway) just in case they wanted it?

You could have used this money to see you by too if they'd not requested it from you.


I don't know you, so don't want to make rash judements, but if you'd budgeted your previous monies better, you'd have more than 15p in your electric meter.


Anyway, good luck with the new job and hope it all works out for you.

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When you noticed they weren't subtracting money from your benefits, didn't you think of putting a percentage aside (afterall you were expecting it to be taken anyway) just in case they wanted it?

You could have used this money to see you by too if they'd not requested it from you.


I don't know you, so don't want to make rash judements, but if you'd budgeted your previous monies better, you'd have more than 15p in your electric meter.


Anyway, good luck with the new job and hope it all works out for you.


i would like to see you budget with a total of 157 pounds to last 2 adults running a 2 bed house for a full 2 weeks! :hihi: anyway this is beside the point, that is why ive got a job!

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i would like to see you budget with a total of 157 pounds to last 2 adults running a 2 bed house for a full 2 weeks! :hihi: anyway this is beside the point, that is why ive got a job!


If there are two adults in the house. You get more than £157 a fortnight.


If you are a couple you should get about £210 each fortnight


If you are two independant adults you should both get £135 each per fortnight.


The only way you can get less is if you had savings or investment of over £6000 in accounts or if they are deducting something from you already.


I think you should check your figures and speak to them again. Something doesn't add up.

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