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Travellers at Dale Farm in Essex

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well I'm not a propnent of anarchy but I am a propantent of being able to live your life with as little inererence from the state as possible whilst supporting left wing values. I personally think the left lost a lot of its crediblitly fighting for fightings sake rather than fighting for left wing values, IE suporting extremist beliefs undfder the guise of 'it's not our culture who are we to interfere'. when that culture is anti women and anti homosexual it surely is a left thinking persons duty to go against that?

do what you do so long as it harms no one. - that goes across extreme libertarian conservative views and liberal views. but that's just me :)


Whenever you ask a Muslim/gypsy hugging leftie how he/she squares the circle of being on the supposedy atheist and feminist left wing yet supports dogmatically religious groups with old fashioned attitudes towards women all you get from them is some waffle about how its best to let them live amongst us and eventually they'l see the light, which is unbeleivibly condescending towards said minority groups.

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The travellers are a nuisance wherever they are. London's teenagers should stab them is what I say. They are thieves because these travellers have cost the taxpayer millions of pounds. They are the real scroungers, not Dole claimants.
That may be true but some people aren't going to like it one bit.
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  • 2 weeks later...

should this fiasco be allowed to carry on

their own country don,t want them .the reason because exactly what they are trying to pull here. its about time ,if they lose they should pay the bill

they broke the law of the land ,

the councils should provide places for them to stay temporarily. when all said and done they are travellers, move em on

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should this fiasco be allowed to carry on

their own country don,t want them .the reason because exactly what they are trying to pull here. its about time ,if they lose they should pay the bill

they broke the law of the land ,

the councils should provide places for them to stay temporarily. when all said and done they are travellers, move em on

Well land has been stolen and settled on in England since 1066 and some of the perpetrators are still sitting on it without planning permission , Westminster, Chatsworth, Harewood, Sandringham and a dozen more ,so nothing new as to whether it is right or not ,maybe more right for some than others.

At least the Travellers? have paid for and own the land.

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Well land has been stolen and settled on in England since 1066 and some of the perpetrators are still sitting on it without planning permission , Westminster, Chatsworth, Harewood, Sandringham and a dozen more ,so nothing new as to whether it is right or not ,maybe more right for some than others.

At least the Travellers? have paid for and own the land.


yea and some clever so and so has made a fortune out of them

and by all accounts one of there own

apart from that we in the modern world aggree to play by rules

so should they, permission was refused . if they want to persue it further

they can do so at their own expense

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Hey, how come they always want a premier location such as the rural one in Essex.There`s a few acres coming vacant soon at Sellafield, or maybe Douneray in Scotland.

Alternatively, there`s a little Scottish Island called St Kilda that would suit them just nice.


the land is worth more down there, for resale purposes

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yea and some clever so and so has made a fortune out of them

and by all accounts one of there own

apart from that we in the modern world agree to play by rules

so should they, permission was refused . if they want to pursue it further

they can do so at their own expense

Well C.P.O,s[ compulsory purchase ]has affected millions of people over the last century many of those people had no desire to leave there homes but rules are rules are they not.

As far as i know the travellers are funding themselves if not then they should be, just the same as the objectors.

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Well C.P.O,s[ compulsory purchase ]has affected millions of people over the last century many of those people had no desire to leave there homes but rules are rules are they not.

As far as i know the travellers are funding themselves if not then they should be, just the same as the objectors.


yeh, with our tax money. claiming benefits while their men work abroad.

wise up to their little scams.ireland sussed them.and stopped them.

thats why they moved here

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