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Travellers at Dale Farm in Essex

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I've only really had one close up dealing with the Irish travellers, and that was when I was pregnant with my baby girl who was born back in 1981.


My door was knocked on and when I answered I was confronted by three women who were all gibbering in a language that I didn't understand. I think the three women were of three generations of the same family and I drew that conclusion from their appearance.

I had all sorts of articles thrust at me in the hope that I would buy from them. All bits of tat that I neither wanted or could afford so I declined buying their goods.

I was then verbally abused in a language that I could understand! lol. Suddenly these vile women had found their tongues and decided to speak to me in words that they knew I would understand..........like, your baby will die!!! They also spat at me and warned me that they would return... as they trotted down my garden path.


Those "women" scared the lights out of me by threatening the life of my unborn child.


Do I have any sympathy for "travellers" these days? Errrrr.......nope.


I noted today the caravans without wheels on Dale Farm..................I wonder if I would be allowed to place a "static" home/Park type home on our back garden without planning permission?


Also remember that not very long ago a young couple were refused the right to live in a nice cosy "shed" on the land belonging to family........because it contravened planning regs.


What really <removed> me off is that the tax payers of this country have funded the legal bills for the squatters at Dale Farm for the past 10 years!


Now that they've finally lost their case then surely they should have to re-pay the millions that they've cost the taxpayers over the past 10 years? Oh.....hang on, they don't have jobs do they? ........... so how the eck did they manage to buy that land to start with? In fact, now that I'm on a roll I will say it how it is!


How on earth do these "travellers" manage to buy horrendously expensive caravans or static homes with CASH? Look at the rest of the stuff they "own/buy" as well and ask yourselves where the money comes from when no regular jobs seem to exist.

Could any of you forummers afford the sort of weddings that the travelling folk have.......and don't kid yourself that we have seen a "one off" for the telly. Oh no......these people are probably richer than the catholic church! lol


I can understand their anger at being turfed off their own land...............but they knew the laws when they bought the land but being the sort of people that they are, they just stuck 2 fingers up at the rest of us and carried on regardless.

The only thing I am sorry about is that us idiot tax payers have contributed towards these people legal bills for the past 10 years.........and now I want my money refunded please!!!! I never agreed to pay their legal bills when I would have to fund my own legal bills out of my wages. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR

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The law is the law and when you break it the punishment should be severe, build on land you own without the permission of our masters and you should be evicted, made homeless and have your property destroyed.

Break driving law and your car should be taken and crushed.

Break the law by fiddling benefits and you should be made homeless and have everything taken and destroyed.

Break law by fiddling expenses and tax and you should lose everything and made homeless.

If your dogs craps on the pavement and you don’t pick it up the dog should be taken from your care.

It looks to me that the consequences of breaking planning law are far more severe than breaking many other laws.

Many of the building that exists today didn’t have planning or building regulation, many people want these travellers evicted from their land, I believe they are being offered homes, but homes are in short supply and someone else must be losing out. In many cases moving travellers just moves the problem and doesn’t get rid of the problem. They occupied a small piece of land, housing them means they will occupy more land and won’t be together. The money would have been better spent allowing them to stay together on their land and helping them to make the site more acceptable.

I’m guessing very few people would have objected if the scrap yard had been used for luxury 4 and 5 bedroom luxury houses.

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The law is the law and when you break it the punishment should be severe, build on land you own without the permission of our masters and you should be evicted, made homeless and have your property destroyed.

Break driving law and your car should be taken and crushed.

Break the law by fiddling benefits and you should be made homeless and have everything taken and destroyed.

Break law by fiddling expenses and tax and you should lose everything and made homeless.

If your dogs craps on the pavement and you don’t pick it up the dog should be taken from your care.

It looks to me that the consequences of breaking planning law are far more severe than breaking many other laws.

Many of the building that exists today didn’t have planning or building regulation, many people want these travellers evicted from their land, I believe they are being offered homes, but homes are in short supply and someone else must be losing out. In many cases moving travellers just moves the problem and doesn’t get rid of the problem. They occupied a small piece of land, housing them means they will occupy more land and won’t be together. The money would have been better spent allowing them to stay together on their land and helping them to make the site more acceptable.

I’m guessing very few people would have objected if the scrap yard had been used for luxury 4 and 5 bedroom luxury houses.

Then you might as well throw the towel in and change the law to allow all "travellers" to follow the same example!...................I think you would find that thousands would suddenly join the "Travelling" community to hop aboard the gravy train...................some of us are a little wiser to back door shenanigans!
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Then you might as well throw the towel in and change the law to allow all "travellers" to follow the same example!...................I think you would find that thousands would suddenly join the "Travelling" community to hop aboard the gravy train...................some of us are a little wiser to back door shenanigans!


All that was needed was for the council to give them planning permission for mobile homes, by all means go in and demolish anything that is permanent but I don't see the point in moving the problem to another location.

I’d bet money that in twenty years that site will have houses on it, built by a developer and sold at an extortionate price.

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I don't think that the travellers acted like animals, the police were a little rough handed initially though!


The hired protesters however, In my opinion, made things much, much worse.


The woman who burnt a cross and set fire to a caravan was not a member of the community. Yet she was in all the headlines today......


Most of the people there have willingly left now, embarrassed by the "over the top" protesters. They should get another cause to waste their lives on, they are imo, an embarrassment to humanity, and I'm a child of the 60's!!!!

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The problem we have here is that this lot have been turned out into the country at large.

At least we knew where they were at this self imposed concentration camp.

They are now wandering around around free to steal and vandalise willy nilly.


Their own country had the right idea when it exiled them, and it will not take them back.

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The problem we have here is that this lot have been turned out into the country at large.

At least we knew where they were at this self imposed concentration camp.

They are now wandering around around free to steal and vandalise willy nilly.


Their own country had the right idea when it exiled them, and it will not take them back.


Would it be fair to say you regard them as less than human?

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Would it be fair to say you regard them as less than human?


I regard them as very human. They are as Irish and English as you and me.

The only difference is that you and I choose to be contibuting members of society.

They choose to try and degrade it at every end and turn.

Dont try to idealise them.

They are latterday tinkers, and not worthy of decent mens company.

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Would it be fair to say you regard them as less than human?


Sorry my friend, I was being a bit ignorant there, giving my opinion without asking yours, forgive me.

What is your opinion on the people at Dale Farm encampment as was?


I am sure a prolific poster such as yourself has deep and profound feelings on these matters. But I cannot seem to find any.:confused:

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I regard them as very human. They are as Irish and English as you and me.

The only difference is that you and I choose to be contributing members of society.

They choose to try and degrade it at every end and turn.

Don't try to idealise them.

They are latter day tinkers, and not worthy of decent mens company.

Perhaps you could give us your definition of decent men,is it M.Ps,

Landed Gentry. The Church inc the Church of Rome, The Royal Family, The Bankers [Money Lenders userers] or is it the every day ordinary Joe who has to put up with these non contributors to society.

Don't try to idealise them indeed.

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