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Travellers at Dale Farm in Essex

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It amazes me that there is even a discussion.


Illegal site set up on green belt land and housing built without permission. What's the discussion? They should be removed, and prosecuted.


Correct ,but then you would get the Wolly Handwringers playing the human rights card.

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So instead of ensuring law breakers comply we move law abiding people away from their legal homes? Interesting...


If they wanted to sell and move on then yes. Its not an ideal solution but one in which nobody looses and there's a great deal of money saved. The travellers were in the wrong but the authorities have taken too long to resolve the matter. I don't blame the council as much as the last labour government who gave the travellers a massive two years to move on. This ensured that the delays in the legal process would ensure it was another couple of years before anything could happen..John Prescott had his mucky paws on the matter. Need I say more..?

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They bought arable land...land to grow veg on but not somewhere to build a house and settle down.. its easy to spot the difference because we have so many farmers fields around...if you look long and hard at a farmers field where there's wheat or cabbages or potatoes growing, then its easy to see that they all look similar but for the different colours of the plants.. they stand no higher than 1 metre high at most and are usually clear of litter, cast out sofa's and roaming dogs...theres not very often 17 - 20 white transit vans on them and never are there two storey houses growing instead of veg.


It is easy to spot when someone flouts the planning law and doesn't use the land for what its been purchased for a vegetable patch and a house do stand out as fairly different even for those not trained in spotting the difference

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An amazing coincidence always happens when 'travellers' arrive in a village.


The local thieves and criminals come out of the woodwork, and begin a campaign of thieving and daylight robbery.

All this while the travellers are in their caravans, behaving, and being generally law abiding.


As soon as they move on the thieves skulk away and hide, but not before dumping a load of old tyres, dirty nappies, junk and all manner of debris on the travellers camps site.


I dont know who these people are, giving these travellers a bad name, for we never see them otherwise. :confused:

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This discussion is everywhere on the news and in the papers, no they have no rights they do not pay council tax to live on the land they have never paid rent or a mortgage like us country people, yes they pay for gas and electricity what makes me laugh is if my husband and I refused to pay our council tax we would get sent to Prison yet they get it away with it?? why?? and now they are paying them 6 million to move.


What is more sickening is I was a victim of crime and could not get a penny as a victim of crime I think you will find some of that 6 million is mine for all the suffering I have been through not the gypsies, move them on with no help what made me laugh is one of said we have no where to go?? how about you start paying your way and live like everyone else instead of moving on other peoples land making a mess and then moving on leaving the tax payer to pick up the bill.


Another thing that made me laugh is one of them said we have no money course you don`t love thats why your trailers look like show homes and mean while the tax payer is struggling to pay the bills it makes me sick they make me sick, changes to the Goverment is whats needed make them start paying to live somewhere like everyone else and stop this free ride they have same as foreigners this country is too lenient on certain groups for fearing of being racist or prejudice it is policitical correctness gone mad I would like to go back to a simpler time when everything wasn`t so clinical and you did not feel you had watch everything you say and do. I have nothing against travelling people they have to live somewhere, but it isn`t fair they don`t pay for the pleasure of living on the councils or some poor persons land.

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What they should do is the council should build designated sites for these people, like council housing. They should pay council tax and a certian amount of rent for the trailer like you would in council housing. There should be tighter laws for any travellers living illegally on land and not paying, they should take them to court and fine them for breaking this and if they get legal aid they should be made to pay this back as well the fine this would stop them living on everyone elses land and move on to the designated sites as it would be easier just to do this and pay like everyone else.

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Would it be fair to say you regard them as less than human?


I wouldnt go that far, but the good ones are very few and far between; all my personal experiences of them have been bad. On the whole they are fowl people that are best avoided.

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