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Travellers at Dale Farm in Essex

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Even the UN is concerned.

The EU is concerned.

the Human Rights watch is concerned.

They all blame the UK for discrimination.

As our gov is a hypocrite and good at pointing fingers at other countries, they told all of the above to p off.


If it was up to us, rather than let the static travellers suffer ie let them build and then kick them out, we'd have the large balls to kick them out asap.


Free Tip: Let the travells do a deal with Tesco


Thanks MOS for that comment

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Some justice for the local people who have had to put up with an illegal settlement on their doorstep.


Couldnt agree more ,not to mention the rubbish they create and the eye sore which is the illegal camp.


Its good to see the law being upheld here,although it should have happened 10 years ago ,the minute they moved onto the site.

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Im watching Sky news live at the site ,and what i cant understand is why the baliffs dont just get big JCB`s on site to remove the illegal baracades built at the site enterence by the squatters ?


Why do they persist in using a softly softly approach with these people. ?


Go in hard and fast using heavy machinery ,as the squatters have already said they wont go under their own steam.

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