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Travellers at Dale Farm in Essex

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That is rather the issue which causes me concern about the whole business. An old scrapyard next to an existing (legal) gypsy camp seems as good a place as any to put them so I'm stuggling to see the benfit in spending £20 million splitting them up and spreading them around god knows where. £20 million (plus whatever the council have spent in legal fees up to now) buys a lot of local services, I think this particular council has got it's priorities a bit wrong on this one.

They've illegaly erected buildings on the site without planning permission, if they get away with it everyone esle should be able to or do you agree with what they've done?

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I'm not bothered about their lifestyles. Good for them if they've found a way to stick two fingers up to society.


However, if they've broken planning regulations then they'll have to move on. I blame the council and government for allowing the situation to get to this stage. If they'd have acted early on it wouldn't have cost what its costing and there wouldn't have been the massive upset to the families, both travellers and local residents.


If there aren't laws to move them on easily, then the law needs changing.

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They've illegaly erected buildings on the site without planning permission, if they get away with it everyone esle should be able to or do you agree with what they've done?


Of course i don't agree with what they've done and yes of course we have to be aware of setting precedants. However spending 20 mil to move some gypsies who'll just go and set up illegally somehwere else seems a waste of a lot of money. I feel for the neighbours, but even if the eviction is sucessful they are still going to be living next to a large legal gypsie encampment so it's not even going to give them respite.


Personally i'd rather let them stay, offer market rates (in the absense of the gypsies) to any neighbours who want to move and install police monitored cctv on the site to monitor any illegal activity as a condition of them staying there. It would cost much less, keep the gypsies in one place and be better for the neighbours and surrounding area.

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Are they all legal to live in the Uk, if not, oust them.

If they are legal, they're probably all claiming every benefit they can.

Yet not paying a penny out.

So who's funding their free lifestyle, the tax payer.


It's about time whatever party run's this country, does a big head shake,

change a few laws, and stop these freeloaders.


Oh, oops, forgot, bugger.

They'd declare themselves as homeless then, and probably end up in a four star hotel :loopy:


Guess that's my ideas shot down then. By myself :hihi:

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Agree 100% and two fingers up to do-gooders.


Thats where the problem lies . On the news today ,you can see the Lefty Tree Hugging protesters who have pitched up at the site to show "Solidarity":suspect: with the illegal squatters ,making the evection harder ,due to the inevitable extra arrests of the Tree Huggers :hihi:.


What should have happened is the police should have thrown a corden around the site ,and arrested any Swampy look a like who tried to breach it , that way there would only be the Squatters to boot off the site.

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What should have happened is the police should have thrown a corden around the site ,and arrested any Swampy look a like who tried to breach it


And as I've read before. the press :)

Get the job done.

Then we can all listen to how the, 'squatters have been hard done to'.


They are there illegally. Move them. End of. No right's !!

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