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Nuisance Phone Calls Am I Alone??

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Depends on the morals of the salesperson. Some will do whatever they can to earn as much commission as possible.

A guy at my work got a disciplinary for selling to someone vulnerable the other week. We are supposed to use our own judgment, if in any doubt, do not put the sale through.

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Just tell the agent that you are not interested and to take you off the database. Legally they have to do that and the company will have quality managers that make sure it is done, otherwise Ofcom will fine them and/or shut them down. Don't use abusive language to the agent.


Try and make sure your mother doesn't give out her phone number to anyone but family and friends.


We've told one certain company several times. Mom doesn't give the number out, only me and her know it. (The family don't bother). I don't use the landline when I buy stuff online either. So they are defo getting the number from somewhere.


No offence Happ, I really do not like sales callers >_>

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Sometimes get automated calls about loans or insurance. They're really infuriating because it's not even some poor geek who probably hates the job anyway.

Lots of texts about PPI despite never having taken out a loan or had a credit card. Thye're even more infuriating because I can't add them to the blacklist on my old mobile, like I can with the received calls.

PPI is what I do. You'd be surprised at the amount of people that are at first absolutely insistent that they never had anything with PPI on then 15 minutes later I am arranging to have a claim pack sent out to them because upon questioning they've remembered something they had years ago that they had either forgotten about or never even realised PPI could be on. Or the amount of people who saw something about PPI on the news 4 years ago, thought "oh I must look into that" then 4 years later they've never done it, not until a friendly salesperson rings them up and prompts them into it.

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PPI is what I do. You'd be surprised at the amount of people that are at first absolutely insistent that they never had anything with PPI on then 15 minutes later I am arranging to have a claim pack sent out to them because upon questioning they've remembered something they had years ago that they had either forgotten about or never even realised PPI could be on. Or the amount of people who saw something about PPI on the news 4 years ago, thought "oh I must look into that" then 4 years later they've never done it, not until a friendly salesperson rings them up and prompts them into it.


Hmmm well you must be one of the PPi who I have asked to please remove me from your calling list, as I know for a fact I have never ever had a loan in my life, anyway since blocking these (your ) calls on talktalk I haven't had any, peace at last from rubbish sales calls

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Hmmm well you must be one of the PPi who I have asked to please remove me from your calling list, as I know for a fact I have never ever had a loan in my life, anyway since blocking these (your ) calls on talktalk I haven't had any, peace at last from rubbish sales calls

PPI isn't just on loans.

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A few weeks ago a withheld number number called, I could hardly tell what he was talking about so after he called twice I was rude to him and told him where to get off, I was so annoyed by his persistence. It didn't stop him, he must have called back 5 times that night, each time leaving the line open in silence so I couldn't call out or end the call, in the end I left the phone off the hook, some people would have felt intimidated by this though, his call was an unwanted intrusion.In the end I used a tactic from many years ago when I was told by BT, press a couple of buttons on the handset and say 'SY Police tracing the call' he didn't call back after that!

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I quite enjoy keeping the internet type one's on the phone for as long as possible, whilst they're talking too me at least they can't be annoying anyone else. Other callers who don't have english as their first language but usually have a very normal sounding name I've got into the habit of asking them to spell their name out or informing them that I don't believe it's their real name.. Usually get a rapid hang up if I start asking what the weather is like where they are as well

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