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Nuisance Phone Calls Am I Alone??

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I've had a spate of calls over the last few weeks, asking for 'Julie Price'.

The first lady insisted that my number was the one Julie had given on her CV. I politely told her that this was most definitely not the right number. I had a few more calls after this regarding job searches.

Then I've had a barrage of calls from loan providers again asking for 'Julie Price', saying that she was asking for a loan of 2k. It's driving me bloody crazy. My husband answered the last one and rather unceremoniously told them to £*&% off. :hihi:


Whilst I accept it is easy to type a digit in wrongly, it seems funny that so many companies have the wrong number for her. Maybe she's leading them up the garden?

Edited by Vulcan B2
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I wish some one would put a stop to all these calls ( goverment not much chance there)

What i think about are shift worker ,, erdley people, one i care for is 94 and often is a sleep and gets disturbed and all so sick people


I totally agree, my poor Mum is frightened by these calls

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If they don't need the product we can't sell it to them. If someone is not mentally capable of discerning whether they need the product than we are supposed to use our judgment and end the call.


That maybe where you work Happ, but not all places do. I've had to tell someone to *bleep* off more than once for bugging my mother about stuff that we don't want/need. I know it's a job and people get paid for it, but darn it does annoy me.


We are also on the opt out list.

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That maybe where you work Happ, but not all places do. I've had to tell someone to *bleep* off more than once for bugging my mother about stuff that we don't want/need. I know it's a job and people get paid for it, but darn it does annoy me.


We are also on the opt out list.

Just tell the agent that you are not interested and to take you off the database. Legally they have to do that and the company will have quality managers that make sure it is done, otherwise Ofcom will fine them and/or shut them down. Don't use abusive language to the agent.


Try and make sure your mother doesn't give out her phone number to anyone but family and friends.

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I know this is an old thread, but anyone who is with TalkTalk they have now added an option to block unwanted calls, and if any do get through you can put an code after the call to stop it ringing again.


This option is free and I can't believe how good it works, not had any since !!!! phew peace at last.



Only re opened this thread to advise on the new option TalkTalk have added, and help people who are sick of silly sales calls, not to cause arguments about it !!!!

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Sometimes get automated calls about loans or insurance. They're really infuriating because it's not even some poor geek who probably hates the job anyway.

Lots of texts about PPI despite never having taken out a loan or had a credit card. Thye're even more infuriating because I can't add them to the blacklist on my old mobile, like I can with the received calls.

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