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How were the most educated generation so easily tricked by their leaders?

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During the years of New Labour, the numbers going into higher education shot up and degrees were aplenty.


So you would think that the most educated generation ever would have the most enquiring of minds and be able to question something that did not appear to be right.


So during the boom years, people had the times of their lifes, people went to uni for free and in many cases ended up with the well paid non jobs, many of which are now being cut.


So pleased were people with the never ended house prise rises that many took mortgages of 6x their salarys, and with inflated salarys the abilty to afford more pushed up the prices of houses. So while everyones backs were turned enjoying the good life, the government of the day were putting the knives into the backs of the true working class.....but did we care???


Were we concerned back in 2004 when the british workers were suddenly being undercut by their European counterparts???? which was easily done as they lived in squalour in shared houses. The numbers wanting homes also went up, adding to the strain on housing and pushing up house prices.


Were we concerned by the changing face our our country?


No, because we had other concerns, were our bottoms getting to big? were we getting wrinkles, even men were becoming worried by the wrinkles on their faces and were off to the pamper palour for face treatments. After all, thanks to the inflated salarys in the public sector, men being pampered suddenly became affordable.


Thanks to inflated grades, the generation of 1997-2010 were the most gifted ever - yet none could see the impending disaster on the horizon, and why should they have cared about what was happening to the country???? after all, inflated salarys certainly help when getting a home in an area away from inner city problems.


So are our problems begining to come home to roost? all of a sudden, the public sector jobs that took the graduates are drying up. Despite the record low interest rates, 1000's of familys are living on the absolute edge of financial disaster, immigration is out of control..........adding 1000s to the people who need benefits to survive, europe is becoming ever more powerful, crimes is out of control and we have weak leaders who do not seem to be able to stand up for what is right.


How has the most educated generation, been so easily tricked by their political leaders?

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People were getting what they wanted so didn't really care about asking questions.

The cash has been spent and it's all the fault of the Tories because the jobs are being cut.

The fools forget they were invented non jobs in the first place.

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During the years of New Labour, the numbers going into higher education shot up and degrees were aplenty.

So you would think that the most educated generation ever would have the most enquiring of minds and be able to question something that did not appear to be right.


So during the boom years, people had the times of their lifes, people went to uni for free and in many cases ended up with the well paid non jobs, many of which are now being cut.


So pleased were people with the never ended house prise rises that many took mortgages of 6x their salarys, and with inflated salarys the abilty to afford more pushed up the prices of houses. So while everyones backs were turned enjoying the good life, the government of the day were putting the knives into the backs of the true working class.....but did we care???


Were we concerned back in 2004 when the british workers were suddenly being undercut by their European counterparts???? which was easily done as they lived in squalour in shared houses. The numbers wanting homes also went up, adding to the strain on housing and pushing up house prices.


Were we concerned by the changing face our our country?


No, because we had other concerns, were our bottoms getting to big? were we getting wrinkles, even men were becoming worried by the wrinkles on their faces and were off to the pamper palour for face treatments. After all, thanks to the inflated salarys in the public sector, men being pampered suddenly became affordable.


Thanks to inflated grades, the generation of 1997-2010 were the most gifted ever - yet none could see the impending disaster on the horizon, and why should they have cared about what was happening to the country???? after all, inflated salarys certainly help when getting a home in an area away from inner city problems.


So are our problems begining to come home to roost? all of a sudden, the public sector jobs that took the graduates are drying up. Despite the record low interest rates, 1000's of familys are living on the absolute edge of financial disaster, immigration is out of control..........adding 1000s to the people who need benefits to survive, europe is becoming ever more powerful, crimes is out of control and we have weak leaders who do not seem to be able to stand up for what is right.


How has the most educated generation, been so easily tricked by their political leaders?


The expansion of Higher Education began under the Tories in 1991 with the conversion of polytechnics into universities.


Grades are up again this year under the Tories.


There was an article, in yesterday's metro I think it was, saying that the UK has the highest interest rates.

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The expansion of Higher Education began under the Tories in 1991 with the conversion of polytechnics into universities.


Grades are up again this year under the Tories.


There was an article, in yesterday's metro I think it was, saying that the UK has the highest interest rates.

Highest interest rate in what.......???
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