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Fri 16.09.11 Wild McBride @ The Broadfield READ ON


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Wild McBride have been cancelled due to the Broadfield stating that they cannot justify spending the booking fee and donation of beer tickets on these nights. Bar Abbey have agreed to fund this Friday Rock Night and Vamp will be there on 30.09.11. Please watch for further posts about future Friday Rock Nights at Bar Abbey. Friday 16.09.11 Top Gun will be at Smithywood Club for a presentation night, NO BINGO, all welcome!!

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I wonder if they (Broadfield management) have looked at the bigger picture? Allright, some gigs are sadly poorly attended, but others are packed. On average, does it work out? If not could any adjustments be made to bring in more money? Without rock night, I am unlikely (and I think many others) to go to the Broadfield ever again. Nor will I have any reason to reccommend anybody else to go. I just hope it is at least the right decision for it to survive as a pub. I doubt it, somehow.


I was one of the (probably) many who travelled to get there last night to find it was cancelled. Cancelling at the last minute really pees me off, so, no, I did not even get a drink. Could last nights gig really not have been conducted and the rock night been brought to an honourable conclusion? I did think that the cancellation of the beer raffle the previous week seemed ominous. I would wilingly have thrown a pound in to contribute to the efforts of the band in creating an evenings pleasant entertainment without the potential reward of winning a raffle.


No criticism of those who have organised rock night is intended here. I thank you for giving me so many evenings of pleasurable entertainment at the Broadfield. It will probably go full-circle again, but in the meantime, see you at the new venue!

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Thanks for your comments. Every effort was made to inform as many people as possible that the Broadfield has stated that it cannot justify the fee paid to the bands and the donation of the beer tickets so after consultation with all the band that have played on Frriday Rock Nights and after gaining their agreement that they would not be prepared to play a gig for the sum offered we had no alternative but to seek a venue that would be prepared to do this. The manager in place at the moment made no offer of compromise in order for him to see how successful this night is so we had to look at the bigger picture and the long term plans to continue this night. After my conversation with the manager on the night of Swansong we parted with a hand shake and my understanding that he would contact me the morning after which he did not do.

No doubt there will be teething problems to start with but with the support of the bands and of course the the punters I'm sure this night at the Bar Abbey will be a success. Hope to see you there for Vamp on 30.09.11 and for future gigs.

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Thanks for your comments. Every effort was made to inform as many people as possible that the Broadfield has stated that it cannot justify the fee paid to the bands and the donation of the beer tickets so after consultation with all the band that have played on Frriday Rock Nights and after gaining their agreement that they would not be prepared to play a gig for the sum offered we had no alternative but to seek a venue that would be prepared to do this. The manager in place at the moment made no offer of compromise in order for him to see how successful this night is so we had to look at the bigger picture and the long term plans to continue this night. After my conversation with the manager on the night of Swansong we parted with a hand shake and my understanding that he would contact me the morning after which he did not do.

No doubt there will be teething problems to start with but with the support of the bands and of course the the punters I'm sure this night at the Bar Abbey will be a success. Hope to see you there for Vamp on 30.09.11 and for future gigs.

Thank you for the detailed explanation of what has happened J. As I said, no criticism is intended. I am just grateful that you are prepared to be an organiser and I fully appreciate your efforts. I was under the impression that the Broadfield Management played a bigger role than providing the venue, their blessing and the raffle prize! I will be at Bar Abbey soon.


Is this forum the primary means of communicating changes and cancellations to Rock Night? I will try and remember to check each week if so.

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I place the add on here on the Thursday for the band appearing the day after. I've done some gig lists up to Christmas to be distributed at the Bar Abbey on 30.09.11 for Vamp. Also we advertise in the Star and the Telegraph (Thursdays), http://www.rockofthenorth.co.uk/ and http://dianeparkingiglist.blogspot.com/ so we try to get to as many Rock fans as possible!!


I didn't take your comments as critisism, I'm sure that everyone now understands why we had to move, The Broadfield have always supported paying the bands until this new temporary manager came on the scene and whilst I do understand that he has a job to do I was really disappointed that he didn't even say lets see how it goes and if it's not as busy as you say we will have to re-think the situation. I did try to explain that I would've though the bar takings would prove how successful the night was but I he was hesitant so I suggested that the problems lay on his side of the bar, not ours!!!


Anyway, the new venue is willing to give it a go on the same basis as before so we will see, the success will be in the crowds coming in so spread the word and hope to see you soon.

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