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Drivers up your back end

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And in doing so he/she's now gone up behind the next vehicle and doing the same because he/she expects them to do the same as you did when he/she bullied you.


He's not bullied me. I would also move over for anyone else who appeared to want to drive faster than me, even if they weren't tailgating. Doing it for the tailgater has the added advantage that, as I already said, he's less able to hurt me by his incompetence.

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Not really i am on here while counting my money, Life is so hard when you have no job




Sorry dont smoke dont drink as i been unemployed for a few years and doing a few odd jobs for family and friends for free, so i cant afford it. Honest no cash in hand jobs last few years



who's cash did you just run out and borrow?


your mistaking us for people who are impressed by a few quid. i own a few houses. bought them cash. run my own business, got no debt.


a few piles of notes doesnt impress me at all.


what does impress me though is decent driving. so back on topic.

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who's cash did you just run out and borrow?


your mistaking us for people who are impressed by a few quid. i own a few houses. bought them cash. run my own business, got no debt.


a few piles of notes doesnt impress me at all.


what does impress me though is decent driving. so back on topic.


do you want a medal? And you think i belive you?:hihi: whats the point in telling lies? does it make you feel big?

is that why you cant afford to buy brand new coat hangers?


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the thing is. i really dont care if you believe me. thats the beauty of being me. so far your a stranger on the internet who posts about liking to break the law. posts saying they are skint, then posts a pic of some cash.


why should i care if you believe me or not.


back on topic.


drive decent. hardly a lot to ask. if you cant achieve that then at some point you will get caught. its hardly a difficult concept to grasp.

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why not pick on my spelling or grammer? you might have better luck at winning this argument?


It's you whose losing argument because everybody on here thinks you're an accident waiting to happen, just hope you don't take some other poor sap with you. The coroners office is full of statistics:roll::roll:

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do you want a medal? And you think i belive you?:hihi: whats the point in telling lies? does it make you feel big?

is that why you cant afford to buy brand new coat hangers?



hehehe. well spotted


now go read that post again. i didnt ask for any free i asked if anyone had any.


never occured to me to try wilko's and when someone replied to me sayig try there, thats where i went.



so back on topic.



Driving. do it well. dont speed.

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