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Living With HIV

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That is disgusting AID's is AID's no matter how it was contracted, it is a mean and nasty illness and no-one NO-ONE deserves it.


But that, for many, is the general feeling. It's sad and hugely ignorant that anyone would wish this disease on anyone, but that's the world in which we live :(

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But that, for many, is the general feeling. It's sad and hugely ignorant that anyone would wish this disease on anyone, but that's the world in which we live :(


It's the same kind of people who think smokers deserve lung cancer and fat people deserve diabetes.


Some people are just a bid pathetic, nothing you can do about it.

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thankx salsafan i think mens health could be a good choice, does anyone know how i can contact then to see if there interested xx

You may want to try and contact an actual editor for one of the sections. If you express your desire that you want your piece to be edited by them, or to proof read by them, then I am sure that they may find someone inhouse to write the article and so forth.




I took the liberty to check out some online sites for you to see if there are articles too. Many charities do not have articles on there. I found one with videos. I do not know how you feel about that. But maybe you can contact that one to see if they will also accept written articles to post on their site?




If you want any more info and resources, you can always check out the other sites too. I found them from here. http://www.rapecrisis.org.uk/malerape2.php

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I had not even seen the guys while i was out or even nodded my head at em or anything


I had been out with a group of mainly women from work and I as i always did made sure they got there taxis so i new they were gonna be ok.


It was not a late night so i decided on a kebab and walked while i ate it we a friend,he went one way and i went the other to then try flag a taxi myself to no avail.


I got to the top of rutland road and turned left uptowards shirecliffe.


I was half way up when i first saw the guys bit rowdy but dint think owt of it at the time and carried on walking, next thing i new they wer behind me i couldn't see there faces or anything.


I was then being shoved in to side were its open ground we trees don't know what its called, i was then in a headlock shoved to the ground and held there by there feet and raped by each of them. thats about as much detail i can and want to go in to.


Did i ask for it i think not ...


You say raped by each of them, Im sorry but i hope the one with HIV went first at least his scum bags mates might have caught it too then! Even though they deserve worse, Its silly but you always presume men are safe and not victims of rape but in reality in the world we live in now no one is safe. You sound like a lovely bloke with a great family and i wish you all the very best in the future :)

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Basically, bad AIDS is what gays, junkies and prostitutes get, good AIDS is what everyone else gets, or it's the other way round, I can't remember, but one group is seen as innocent victims the other group is seen as getting what they deserve.


That is the general thinking, as erroneous, and as ridiculous as that idea is.


As you say, Bulgarian,"Bad " Aids is where the person is (wrongly) perceived as "deserving" of contracting HIV, "Good" AIDS is perceived the baby who contracts HIV from its mother during pregnancy, or the child/ expectant mother who contracts it through a contaminated blood transfusion.


That is disgusting AIDS is AIDS no matter how it was contracted, it is a mean and nasty illness and no-one NO-ONE deserves it.


Bang on the money, there, curriechick:- no-one deserves to contract this horrid disease.


But that, for many, is the general feeling. It's sad and hugely ignorant that anyone would wish this disease on anyone, but that's the world in which we live :(


Couldn't agree more, Karis. It is an ignorant and ill-educated point of view to hold, second only to the stupid and half-baked idea that "AIDS is God's judgement on gays!" (If it's God's supposed punishment, why is it that lesbians are in the lowest risk group as least likely to contract it?)

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I don't believe they should have differing levels of sympathy. An ill person is an ill person whether they have lung cancer exacerbated by smoking or a disease like AIDS caught from someone else, or a child with cancer. Each and every one of these cases are deserving of sympathy and so are the families of such people having to watch loved ones go through harrowing treatment that may or may not save their lives.


There but for the grace of God go I, is an old saying but one worth remembering.

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Can we not bicker on a thread like this folks.


Sorry, Tess, but the ignorance of some people needs to be brought to the fore. After all, this is what this thread is for and what Lifegoeson originally intended.


Deleting those posts just serves to sweep ignorance and prejudice under the carpet.

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