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Australians have third option for gender on passports.

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Australians are pretty unique. They have a distinctive accent and a very distinctive 'culture' [ " Gerrit dahn yer neck, cobber. " and " Cor blimey, shiver me boomerang ! Cop for that pair o' .........etc...".]. Their flora and fauna are pretty unique to Australia. They 're a long way from anywhere else and so things like tact, understatement, irony and subtlety have largely passed them by. Hence they love to travel all round the world, pestering people with their didgeridoos and Matildas. So, on their passports it might be a good idea to simply put a warning, 'This passport holder is Australian and must be approached with care. If found wandering please deposit in a nearby pub or emigration point. ' Good On Ya, Pommy !

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Australians are pretty unique. They have a distinctive accent and a very distinctive 'culture' [ " Gerrit dahn yer neck, cobber. " and " Cor blimey, shiver me boomerang ! Cop for that pair o' .........etc...".]. Their flora and fauna are pretty unique to Australia. They 're a long way from anywhere else and so things like tact, understatement, irony and subtlety have largely passed them by. Hence they love to travel all round the world, pestering people with their didgeridoos and Matildas. So, on their passports it might be a good idea to simply put a warning, 'This passport holder is Australian and must be approached with care. If found wandering please deposit in a nearby pub or emigration point. ' Good On Ya, Pommy !


I don't understand this at all. I don't think this is Australian, and neither does Google Translater.


If David Cameron doesn't think Multiculturism doesn't work - he should take a rip to Australia.

Multiculture IS our culture.

In areas where there is a high proportion of Muslims, McDonalds sell halal burgers, in high Jewish areas- the KFCs are kosher etc.

I love the cultural things that are classically 'Australian' although they were introduced from all parts of the world. :thumbsup:

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Shouldn't the third option for Australians be XXXX ?


(for those of us old enough to remember the lager adverts!)


why do Queenslanders call their beer XXXX?


A - because you cant write s**t on the label

B - becasue they cant spell

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