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Why not allow people to grow their own cannabis for a small fee?

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Yes, of course it's down to the rate of tax.


But that wasn't the point. Amsterdam has legalised cannabis use, I don't know if they grow it commercially or not, but either way it's cheaper than here isn't it...


If you think legalising something would put the price up then you've not really grasped the economics of prohibition.


I think Amsterdam is a bit of a red herring, as it's not legal there either, more of an extended Lambeth experiment in decrim - which is just tinkering and not really solving anything.

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It's all hypothetical anyway, for if the tax on legal cannabis was that bad that it was putting the trade back in the hands of criminals then the tax could be lowered. There is an easy solution.


Do you mean like they have done with beer and fags..the black market there is still flourishing ....you ought to check your foot for bullet holes.

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Do you mean like they have done with beer and fags..the black market there is still flourishing ....you ought to check your foot for bullet holes.


What is this black market for alcohol... How can anyone undercut cider at 50p/litre from Asda? If cheap is what it's all about anyway.

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I think Amsterdam is a bit of a red herring, as it's not legal there either, more of an extended Lambeth experiment in decrim - which is just tinkering and not really solving anything.


Ah okay, wasn't really sure of the status or how the supply actually reaches their cafe's...

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Ah okay, wasn't really sure of the status or how the supply actually reaches their cafe's...


It's illegally imported. Which makes the whole thing a bit pointless if you ask me.


What they did show was that if you give people back responsibility for themselves instead of nannying them, drug use overall decreases.

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Don't be crazy, or at least do some research. How much does it cost in Amsterdam? I'd hazard a guess that it's cheaper than here in the UK.

Very very few, because there is hardly any black market. With tobacco the 'black market' only exists because other european countries have lower rates of tax on it[


When being searched for the 4th time after coming back to the UK from Amsterdam, I told customs how I couldn't wait to get back to Sheffield for the cheaper and better herbal/skunk!

The hashish in the Netherlands is far superior though, you don't see it that often in the UK. The lower quality stuff you do, and it is cheaper over here too.

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Take the duty off beer ,tobacco and fuel how much are you paying for the actual product ?


I don't think many Englishmen could (off the top of the heads), tell you the duty on beer from x, cigs from y and baccy from z (xyz being foreign countries - and yes people do sell imported beer on the black market), and the duty on red diesel :hihi:

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