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Why not allow people to grow their own cannabis for a small fee?

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Christ this really is hard work,its nothing to do with homemade hooch its the criminal side re illegal import into this country



So you won't answer. Not unexpected really.

I'll try again.

Do you think drug users who claim to care about crimes caused by drugs being illegal should stop using until their daft habit is legalised.


Rubbish. Loads of people, mostly kids, steal to buy weed.

Most of the crimes are in the supply chain, not the idiot users.

You really need to get a clue.




Back to the clueless post of the thread.


The taliban stopped most production with harsh punishment for growers of weed and poppies.

They now tax growers to fund their guns and bombs.

You realise you're both giving cause for home growing, right?

Also, very little (if any) hash (solid) from Afghanistan comes into the country these days and cannabis (buds) itself has never been a big export from there.


What they will do is trot out the same lame excusses

of why they have the plants and why they don't harm anyone else.


Excuses or just facts?

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Cannabis has been good to me. I cook with a bit in from time to time and its cured my CFS / ME symptoms. I tried lots of prescribed drugs before this and none of them worked. In comparison to alcohol, which I used greatly, as a younger man, there's absolutely no comparison in the terms of damage to the body. Cannabis is wonderful. If anyone thinks otherwise they're ignorant of its benefits.


Of course there are a few people who suffer side effects from its use but this is minor in comparison to alcohol....

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You really must be on drugs.

O2 is needed to sustain life. Drugs are for idiots.


Are you claiming that you don't use alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin or any other 'drug'? Or do you think that the legal status of something is actually important when you're discussing whether it should be legal or not?

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You really must be on drugs.

O2 is needed to sustain life. Drugs are for idiots.


I see you can really engage with the arguments you've been posed - and come up with "drugs are for idiots".


Problem solved I see.


Well done. Move on. We'll just make that government policy and leave it there.

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And more to the point, according to suggested government policy, drugs are for Idiots.


Now, we all know Idiots win Nobel Prizes, discover amazing new science, paint stunning pictures and run hugely successful corporations, win massive recording contracts, write best selling books, become Prime Ministers, Chancellors, Presidents etc.


Idiots are clearly important, valuable people. Surely imprisoning them for being Idiots is going to be counter productive to the well being of the nation?


Conversely countries that execute idiots don't seem to be topping the league tables for the great, good, the wealthy and the philanthropic, the clever, the talented or the skilled.

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