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Why not allow people to grow their own cannabis for a small fee?

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The government could make a mint out of it Frank, but they've not the balls to do so - there are still many folk who hold bizarre and confused views like Upinwath around. It would be political suicide.


A word of warning though Frank - the BNP would want to flog you and give you twenty five years in solitary if they caught you with a spliff.


Well I'm safe then the bnp will never be elected......

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So what effect other than medicinal?


It relaxes, excites, enhances the sound of music and the pleasure of sex and music and eating, encourages artistic and creative thought, stimulates the appetite, promotes sleep, changes the perception of time. Sometimes produces lots of laughter or even introspection.

It affects diferent people somewhat differently of course, but for most of the peole, most of the time it's thoroughly pleasurable.


Have you got a problem with that?

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That is a view in the eyes of the criminal.


It's the view that's shared by most forward thinking rational people in this country.


Why do you believe it should remain illegal? Are you one of those strange people who thinks people enjoying life is inherently immoral, or is there some other reason?

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