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Why not allow people to grow their own cannabis for a small fee?

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I'll look at all that later.Its a bit too much for my brain to absorb at the moment,my prescribed! night sedation is taking a bit longer to wear off today.:(


I don't doubt that alcohol may be worse for memory,depending on how much is consumed over a period of time. I'm not sure about much worse though?

I have found that when ever i have read anything about the effect of cannibis on the brain depending on where the information and research are from,i do seem to be getting facts that contradict each other.


I think it's possible to sum up the actual harms of cannabis without oversimplification. I must stress this is my opinion.


Low Risk.

"Cannabis Psychosis" - aka latent mental instability precipitated by extreme cannabis use, or cannabis use at a young age. This is a significant harm.


Medium Risk

Psychological dependency. In itself not harmful, but combined with a harmful method of ingestion, repeated administration can result in chronic illness.


High Risk

Law Enforcement. Can be very harmful, may ruin relationships, job prospects, life etc.




In terms of physical harm, it all depends on the methods of ingestion. The active ingredients are generally extremely safe compared to almost any other drug and even most foods.


1.eating - the risk here is ending up with more than you wanted. By the time you realise it's too much, it's too late. Very high doses can be psychedelic.


2.smoking with tobacco. This is the killer, because of the tobacco. Although there is a study that indicates that smokers who mix with cannabis suffer less from COPD.


3. smoking neat. The main risk here is inhaling burning plant matter, which contains nitrosamines and dozens of other nasties - but compared to a 'standard' or 'equivalent' tobacco smoker, the cannabis smoker incinerates far less plant matter and inhales far less smoke. Studies indicate that cannabis smoke irritates the throat and lungs higher up than tobacco, and there is a lower incidence of COPD amongst neat smokers compared to tobacco spliff smokers.


4.vapourising. This is probably the safest way. The main disadvantage from a user's perspective is that there isn't any love smoke, just a slightly faint taste. However, there is no significant health problem with vapourisation and it's the holy grail of healthy, tasty cannabis consumption.


footnote -

Tobacco spliffs are particularly addictive. This is because of the combinatory effects of cannabis and tobacco are greater than those of tobacco and cannabis taken individually. Nicotine appears to magnify the effects of many other drugs (coffee is a great example, beer is another) and this makes spliffs even harder to quit than cigarettes.


Don't think of cannabis as just spliffs. Spliffs are Cigarettes with benefits.

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I so wish cannabis would be legalised, even if only for medicinal use. My nan has ME and my mum has fibromyalgia, and I feel cannabis (especially in oral form) would help them cope so much better with their pain. Its got to be healthier than the long-term painkillers they're on now. Its sometimes one of the only things that help people manage pain, and if legalising it makes it easier/safer to obtain (rather than them going down the 'dodgy dealer' route possibly putting themselves at risk) I'm all for it.

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I would use it! Having used cannabis in the past for pain relied it is far more effective than my morphine sulphate. It seems to relax your body and you can actually feel where the pain is coming from in absolute detail.


Some of you with your unhelpful comments on here ... Try living with severe sciatica aswell as constant back pain, and existing in the twilight world that these drugs put you in.







And that's only the pain relief ..


If you miss a dose of morphine or Tramadol, you go into withdrawal, which is. HELL.


Everyone and again I would dearly love cannabis just to be able to try instead of all th above.

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I think it's possible to sum up the actual harms of cannabis without oversimplification. I must stress this is my opinion.


Low Risk.

"Cannabis Psychosis" - aka latent mental instability precipitated by extreme cannabis use, or cannabis use at a young age. This is a significant harm.


Medium Risk

Psychological dependency. In itself not harmful, but combined with a harmful method of ingestion, repeated administration can result in chronic illness.


High Risk

Law Enforcement. Can be very harmful, may ruin relationships, job prospects, life etc.




In terms of physical harm, it all depends on the methods of ingestion. The active ingredients are generally extremely safe compared to almost any other drug and even most foods.


1.eating - the risk here is ending up with more than you wanted. By the time you realise it's too much, it's too late. Very high doses can be psychedelic.


2.smoking with tobacco. This is the killer, because of the tobacco. Although there is a study that indicates that smokers who mix with cannabis suffer less from COPD.


3. smoking neat. The main risk here is inhaling burning plant matter, which contains nitrosamines and dozens of other nasties - but compared to a 'standard' or 'equivalent' tobacco smoker, the cannabis smoker incinerates far less plant matter and inhales far less smoke. Studies indicate that cannabis smoke irritates the throat and lungs higher up than tobacco, and there is a lower incidence of COPD amongst neat smokers compared to tobacco spliff smokers.


4.vapourising. This is probably the safest way. The main disadvantage from a user's perspective is that there isn't any love smoke, just a slightly faint taste. However, there is no significant health problem with vapourisation and it's the holy grail of healthy, tasty cannabis consumption.


footnote -

Tobacco spliffs are particularly addictive. This is because of the combinatory effects of cannabis and tobacco are greater than those of tobacco and cannabis taken individually. Nicotine appears to magnify the effects of many other drugs (coffee is a great example, beer is another) and this makes spliffs even harder to quit than cigarettes.


Don't think of cannabis as just spliffs. Spliffs are Cigarettes with benefits.



There are so many arguments (for or against) legalisation, from different groups.I just wish the goverment would get a move on so that those who really need cannabis for medical reasons can be prescribed the drug without the difficullties that there are now,and be reassured by medical practitioners that the drug is safe.

When is that next debate in the Commons that the Lib/Dems have been pushing for!I think its later this year.It will be interesting to see the results of that,after all the latest data research has been examined.


I think these debates on the forum about drugs such as cannibus are a very good thing,providing posts are not condoning breaking the law,i do have an issue with that.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Yes it is an interesting link.


This is an interesting site too.



You would think with the amount of times i had seen the word cannabis on the forum i would have at least managed to get the spelling right on my last post.

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I totally agree with letting people grow their own for personal use. Then there would no longer be dealers because there would be no or very little demand.


Im also very sick of hearing the excuse of the damage canabis can do to its users.


Does smoking cigarettes and drinking alchol not cause damage and death?


Im not saying either is right but it is really stupid for government and judges to brandish cannabis dangerous but young people can buy fags and alchol until their hearts content.


Not so long ago had a man telling this kid what damage cannabis will do to him.....while he had a fag in his hand. Lol

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I totally agree with letting people grow their own for personal use. Then there would no longer be dealers because there would be no or very little demand.


Im also very sick of hearing the excuse of the damage canabis can do to its users.


Does smoking cigarettes and drinking alchol not cause damage and death?


Im not saying either is right but it is really stupid for government and judges to brandish cannabis dangerous but young people can buy fags and alchol until their hearts content.


Not so long ago had a man telling this kid what damage cannabis will do to him.....while he had a fag in his hand. Lol



So well put. As in my last post on this thread, if you look atthe amount of opiates I am on .. And the fact that mixing tramadol with fluoxetine can cause Serotonin syndrome, I'm more at risk of being rushed to hospital with that than the occasional spliff.

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I can't be bothered reading through the whole thread, so sorry if my comments have been made before.


Why charge a fee to grow cannabis? Why not just let people grow (say) six plants for personal use? It would pretty well at a stroke get rid of the criminal gangs who sell cannabis at a high profit now.


I just about remember when home brewing was legalised and that didn't have any bad effects despite dire warnings beforehand.


Apparently cannabis is legal to grow for personal use in the Czech republic (5 plants) and in these US states - http://medicalmarijuana.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000881

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I can't be bothered reading through the whole thread, so sorry if my comments have been made before.


Why charge a fee to grow cannabis? Why not just let people grow (say) six plants for personal use? It would pretty well at a stroke get rid of the criminal gangs who sell cannabis at a high profit now.


I just about remember when home brewing was legalised and that didn't have any bad effects despite dire warnings beforehand.


Apparently cannabis is legal to grow for personal use in the Czech republic (5 plants) and in these US states - http://medicalmarijuana.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=000881


When was home brew illegal? :o

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