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Why not allow people to grow their own cannabis for a small fee?

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I think you've been watching too much Look North, lol


The last 'farm bust' I saw on Look North had about 50 plants in an upstairs room in a house. When my dad grew (for personal use!) years ago, he was lucky to get half an oz off each plant. So this house had 25-30 oz of weed and the reporter said with a street value of £200,000!


Well yes, only if you were selling it for £6,500 an oz! Which is six times the price of gold! ;)


You can get 9 Oz + of one plant quite easily with modern growing techniques.


The values quoted in newspapers range from £5-10 a gram. Yet you can buy it for £1-2 a gram. Or a tenner a gram from the local youth with a hoody and strange dialect.

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Going to prison for growing vegetables, really!


I should be able to put what I like into my own body. I can smoke, drink, eat fried breakfasts morning noon and night, followed by a tub of ice cream if I feel like it. I can go around shagging and producing prodigy all over the place, not work if I don't feel like it but I am not responsible enough to use alternative drugs because the state says it's bad for me.

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but I am not responsible enough to use alternative drugs because the state says it's bad for me.


That's what they like you to think is the reason.


These are some of the businesses who continue to profit from the prohibition of the cannabis hemp plant and its produce:


Chemical companies - cotton requires large amounts of chemical fertiliser and pesticides, unlike cannabis which produces stronger and more durable fibres.


Plastics industry - many plastic products could be made from natural cannabis without pollution.


Timber industry - cannabis 'hurds' (the woody bits of stalk) can be used to make furniture as well as a higher quality paper than from wood.


Tobacco and alcohol industries - if more people turned to the safer and non-addictive recreational pastime than their products.


Pharmaceutical companies who may profit less if ill people are able to grow their own medicine in preference to their many dangerous and addictive synthetic drugs which the same people claim are less effective than cannabis.


The employees of the criminal justice industry and supportive industries, including police, lawyers, barristers, court officials, prison staff, probation services, drug counsellors, forensic scientists, customs officers and security firms, who may suffer if 100,000 less prosecutions are brought each year.




The fuel companies including fossil, nuclear and solar. The Report of the FCDA Europe - endorsed by Judges, Doctors & academics - reveals for the first time, the CANNABIS BIOMASS ENERGY EQUATION, which shows beyond doubt that cannabis-derived fuel, capable of providing almost all of our domestic and industrial energy requirements as well as running all of our cars without pollution, is easily a CHEAPER and safer form of viable energy. It is the huge oil and nuclear industries which have the main profit motivations for continued prohibition at any cost. The FCDA Report reveals the true motives behind both past and present prohibition, and declares the law itself illegal!

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Now a question for drug puddled idiots and their supporters.


You keep saying how drugs should be legalised and how all this crime would stop if it was.

My question.

Why don't you stop using until they are legalised thus stopping all the crime right now?


I await your answer to that one - If you can.


I see no one answered my question.

I happen to know it's because drug users are ruddy idiots that really don't give a flying rats about the crime; just use it as a weak excuse for legalising their stupidity.


However, because I'm a nice chap, I'll give the weak minded cretins another chance to answer. :)

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What? Even those who grow their own for personal use? :confused:


Are you thick professionally or is it just a hobby?


That part of my post was regarding cocaine production and deaths in one country alone related to the trade in that drug.

Taking one line out of context and asking a stupid, nay, pathetic question suggests gross stupidity.

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Are you thick professionally or is it just a hobby?


That part of my post was regarding cocaine production and deaths in one country alone related to the trade in that drug.

Taking one line out of context and asking a stupid, nay, pathetic question suggests gross stupidity.


Does it not occur to you that the illegality of the drug influences the trade, increases prices and results in gangs fighting over the profitable trade?


Or are you professionally thick, or is it just a hobby?


Look at when the murder rate rose in Mexico...

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Get real. The set up and running costs are far too great for most people to afford without stealing to get the cash. The local idiots I knew who used the stuff, were far too stupid to grow it anyway.




Anyone who uses cocaine is a twit.


I think you must just mix with stupid people. Your view will always be skewed if you observe what you call stupid people.


Never had anaesthetic at the dentist or hospital?


Regards to all the other mumbo jumbo regards cocaine. It's an industry run by gangsters and without regulation. Legalise it and you take the gangs out of it. It would be just like growing tea or coffee. Regulated and the farmers paid well.

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