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Are you very 'Yorkshire'?

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I dislike Yorkshire everything - Black/Yorkshire puddings, hilly countryside, Ilkley Moor songs, Plusnet adverts (that never mention Sheffield), flat caps, whippets, pigeons, BRASS BANDS.


"Good, honest Yorkshire"? No way, there's plenty of dishonest, two-gits in Yorkshire, as with every other county.


Why should it? Its a national company owned by BT.

They only use the Yorkshire gimmick because it makes good adverts, disguises the fact that its just another corporate conglomorate and their head office just happens to be based here. Most customers wont give two hoots that they have any connection to Sheffield. It would hardly be a massive draw for them.


As for the OP, I am very yorkshire in the sense that I was born and bread here. As for any other connection I dont wear flat caps, breed whippets or like brass bands. Does that make me non-yorkshire???

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What utter twaddle, you can be guilty of "not doing one one single thing towards the county's illustrious record," but still be proud of your heritage, I am.


Maybe we are now so diluted by the influx of "foreigners" that some of us are starting to lose our identity, especialy in Cities who bear the brunt of our mass immigration policy during the Liebour tenure of Downing street.






Speak for yourself old man. The youth of today rejoice in the new and the unusual - we caper about in a world where different = interesting.

Not where you are where differerent = something to be scared of.

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Yeah. Bit of a non entity.


This may one of a few times we agree

I think unless you are a true Yorkshireman, then you should not claim to be one.

Being born in the county is the major qualification in my opinion, What is important, as well as that is being a decent Yorkshire chap, loving your county and all its beauty, respecting your fellow man, and having the inate knowledge that you are above all other people in the world.

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