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Bankers are looters in suits

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Couldn't agree more, and something I've been saying for years.


Forget Fred The Shred, Hester and Bob Diamond, all bank workers have been culpable in this - including the smiling birds behind the counter who, for years, have been pushing totally unsuitable products in exchange for 'bonus points'.


Their reward? If they get enough 'points', they get to work on Saturdays!


As they say, 'everybody has their price'.

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Couldn't agree more, and something I've been saying for years.


Forget Fred The Shred, Hester and Bob Diamond, all bank workers have been culpable in this - including the smiling birds behind the counter who, for years, have been pushing totally unsuitable products in exchange for 'bonus points'.


Their reward? If they get enough 'points', they get to work on Saturdays!


As they say, 'everybody has their price'.


Stupid person. They are just doing A JOB. Someone sitting there filling in forms and handing out your money over the counter has nothing to do with how the bank handles their funds. They have absolutely no influence of the decisions made.


Should everyone behind the checkouts in tesco be punished for their contribution to corporate greed perhaps??

Workers behind the till in primark responsible for third world child labour??

How about servers in Mcdonalds - accountable for making your child fat??


I suppose you are another one of those who has never had a bank account, keeping all your money under your bed. :roll:


As for the OP - max hastings is just another overpaid talking head giving his opinion. He knows about as much as you you and me with regards the inner workings of world finance. Considering he spews his opinions on both liberal and tory media he is hardly a valid one. He will just side with whoever gives him a cheque for 1000 words. I could have a crack at doing that.

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Stupid person. They are just doing A JOB. Someone sitting there filling in forms and handing out your money over the counter has nothing to do with how the bank handles their funds. They have absolutely no influence of the decisions made.


Should everyone behind the checkouts in tesco be punished for their contribution to corporate greed perhaps??

Workers behind the till in primark responsible for third world child labour??

How about servers in Mcdonalds - accountable for making your child fat??


I suppose you are another one of those who has never had a bank account, keeping all your money under your bed. :roll:


As for the OP - max hastings is just another overpaid talking head giving his opinion. He knows about as much as you you and me with regards the inner workings of world finance. Considering he spews his opinions on both liberal and tory media he is hardly a valid one. He will just side with whoever gives him a cheque for 1000 words. I could have a crack at doing that.


I dont think Hastings was referring to bank clerks

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Stupid person...etc etc


I suppose you are another one of those who has never had a bank account, keeping all your money under your bed. :roll: yeah. of course.



Your comparison with checkout girls is, of course, ludicrous. I'm talking about people who actively press 'products' onto people which any sane person knows are bogus.


Examples? Endowment mortgages. PPI. Critical Illness Cover. All high-commission and of real danger to the 'customer'.


Hope your wife had a good day at the bank.

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Your comparison with checkout girls is, of course, ludicrous. I'm talking about people who actively press 'products' onto people which any sane person knows are bogus.


Examples? Endowment mortgages. PPI. Critical Illness Cover. All high-commission and of real danger to the 'customer'.


Hope your wife had a good day at the bank.


Oh you mean like all sales people. you know - like in any shop or business.


Guess what you have an ability to say NO. They are not holding you down and making you sign up. PPI does have a purpose for SOME people. Similarly critical illness cover.


Yes misselling happens but it happens across the board. Extended warranties, extra repair plans, fixed term contracts, hidden charges, booking fees, products claiming to be british that are made in China, Products sold for a 'bargain' price made thanks to a country's child labour and slave wages......etc....etc..


All the above is done by shop floor/front line sales staff on a regular basis. BUT most of the time this is on instruction and training from senior management. You cannot assume that the individual staff member is at fault or ever tar them with the same brush.


That's why comparing someone on the shop floor to a some prat in a banks investment arm or a muli-millionaire boss is complete nonesense.


IMO the buck should always stop with the highest person. This is what should happen more. No more golden handshake goodbyes and cushy silent director posts. People who like the glory of being in charge should act like it and take responsibility.


btw, neither me nor my non existent wife work in a bank either. In fact if you must know I work as a lawyer and a charity director so thanks for your wrong assumption.

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Something worth reading in the Mail for a change.


Max Hastings lays into the (b)ankers


Love it.


Mark Steele in the Independent wrote a very good satirical article last Wednesday about bankers and looters. Worth a read:



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Oh you mean like all sales people. you know - like in any shop or business.


Guess what you have an ability to say NO. They are not holding you down and making you sign up. PPI does have a purpose for SOME people. Similarly critical illness cover.


Yes misselling happens but it happens across the board. Extended warranties, extra repair plans, fixed term contracts, hidden charges, booking fees, products claiming to be british that are made in China, Products sold for a 'bargain' price made thanks to a country's child labour and slave wages......etc....etc..


All the above is done by shop floor/front line sales staff on a regular basis. BUT most of the time this is on instruction and training from senior management. You cannot assume that the individual staff member is at fault or ever tar them with the same brush.


That's why comparing someone on the shop floor to a some prat in a banks investment arm or a muli-millionaire boss is complete nonesense.


IMO the buck should always stop with the highest person. This is what should happen more. No more golden handshake goodbyes and cushy silent director posts. People who like the glory of being in charge should act like it and take responsibility.


btw, neither me nor my non existent wife work in a bank either. In fact if you must know I work as a lawyer and a charity director so thanks for your wrong assumption.


Good points but just to get a bit of perspective the activities of even lowly bank staff can have a devastating impact. My mum died last year and since I've been helping sort out my dad's finances. The amount of products and policies they were sold by their bank was unbelievable. I estimated it was taking almost 50% of their income to a point where they sometimes struggled to provide basics for themselves.


My view is that they were pressured into taking the products, seen as an easy target. The policies they were sold turned out to be not fit for purpose when we tried to claim after my mum's death. My dad became sick with worry, terrified he would lose his home. We asked for help from the bank - they told us to go to citizens advice. They were happy to sell policies but washed their hands of any after sales care, I found basically because they didn't understand what they had sold when I pushed them about it. The mananger questioned me one day to try and find out if I have a financial background - he was worried. It has a been a long slow journey in a very tough year but we're getting there no thanks to the bank.


True, the bank staff were nice enough but poorly trained people who were just following orders but it has brought home to me that in some banks the whole operation is rotten from the very top to the very bottom. The sooner some of these banks disappear the better.

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