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Keeping up with the Jones's makes you sad!

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I have just started to read a book called affluenza, its about how wanting the latest things, wanting bigger and better makes us depressed and feel inadequate. how we respect people for how much they earn instead of who they are again making us feel inadequate, And the path to true happiness is having what we need instead of what we want. whats your thoughts on this?

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it drives me mad, being judged by people who aren't interested in you as a person, only the car that's on your drive, how clean your house is and how many designer handbags are in your walk-in wardrobe.

The saddest part is, the majority of these shiny things are bought on credit cards and the families who seem to have the most, really don't have much at all, it's all very fake.


Our car is battered, our home is a 'work in progress' (and will continue to be so for quite a while I imagine! ) and we scrimp and save to pay for our holidays but we're a damn sight more content than most couples we know!

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It's an odd one to include "how clean your house is". Surely that is about you as a person and not about how much you earn or what you have. Part of the impression I form about someone would include how clean they are and how clean their house is.


DIY is different to not being clean of course.


I guess this only affects a certain type of person though, I don't care that some of my friends don't have a huge amount of money, I've known them since we were all kids and all had no money.


Which doesn't mean that I don't want things that I don't need. But that's all about Mazlo's triangle isn't it. Non of us 'need' the internet, but clearly we all want it or we wouldn't be posting here to discuss this!

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it drives me mad, being judged by people who aren't interested in you as a person, only the car that's on your drive, how clean your house is and how many designer handbags are in your walk-in wardrobe.

The saddest part is, the majority of these shiny things are bought on credit cards and the families who seem to have the most, really don't have much at all, it's all very fake.


Our car is battered, our home is a 'work in progress' (and will continue to be so for quite a while I imagine! ) and we scrimp and save to pay for our holidays but we're a damn sight more content than most couples we know!


Totally agree with you GO-GO, been there and enjoyed it. I still enjoy buying a lot of the clobber I wear from Makro, Decathlon etc Sod brand names, retaining a few bob in my pocket is what its all about.

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I,ve never kept up with the Jones its alien to my outlook I am part of the generation who remembers when I had,nt a happenny to scratch my arse with.Material possessions are nice also having a few bob but the important thing is your health and your family,as long as you pay your way why skin yourself just to impress people who don,t matter to you anyway.I could go out tommorow and buy an expensive car for cash but why should I, I am perfectly happy with my ten year motor,our lass says that I,ll be the richest bloke in the graveyard when I snuff it but as long as I get my daily pint I don,t give a monkeys.Most of the keep uppers do it on credit just to impress,very sad to my thinking or am I old fashioned?.:roll::loopy::hihi:

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I,ve never kept up with the Jones its alien to my outlook I am part of the generation who remembers when I had,nt a happenny to scratch my arse with.Material possessions are nice also having a few bob but the important thing is your health and your family,as long as you pay your way why skin yourself just to impress people who don,t matter to you anyway.I could go out tommorow and buy an expensive car for cash but why should I, I am perfectly happy with my ten year motor,our lass says that I,ll be the richest bloke in the graveyard when I snuff it but as long as I get my daily pint I don,t give a monkeys.Most of the keep uppers do it on credit just to impress,very sad to my thinking or am I old fashioned?.:roll::loopy::hihi:


i agree with you, but we are living in times where the affluenza virus is rife, later i will post some questions that are in the book to see if you have the virus (the book refers to it as a virus) really interesting read i recommend it:)

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